Welcome to Primary 6 – Class Charter

Welcome back to our Primary 6 pupils.

We have had a busy two weeks settling into our new classroom. Take a look at our new classroom charter that we have created together.

We will demonstrate our school values of being nurturing, ambitious and respectful. We will be ready to learn, show respect and stay safe in our classroom.

Ask us about our classroom goals at home 🙂

P5 and P6 Amazon/Smallpeice Trust STEM Day

Today our Primary 5 and 6 classes enjoyed a full day STEM session run by The Smallpeice Trust, kindly funded by Amazon. We completed lots of fun activities to give us a taster of what it would be like to be an engineer. We learned about Engineering as a career and the jobs available in the world of work.

We started our day with a code breaking task. We worked with our teams to use our prior knowledge of skip counting, multiplication and sequencing to crack the secret code.

Next, we learned all about the mechanics behind rockets. We were tasked with designing an economical robot and had to work out the cost of our product before building and testing it.

Throughout the day we worked towards completing our STEM certificates by earning stickers for speaking, staying positive, teamwork, problem solving, creativity, aiming high, leadership and listening.

After lunch, we learned about autonomous vehicles. We created maps and used iPads to program a Sphero. We had to meet a specific criteria and direct the robots to follow our instructions.

We also had a virtual visit from  Amazon where we learned about job opportunities and the role of engineers at Amazon.

We are so grateful for such a fantastic experience and we have loved learning through STEM challenges today.


Well done P5 and P6 🙂

Show racism the red card.

This week, Primary 5 have been learning about racism and the serious impact it has on victims and their families. We read about the sickening story of Antony Walker and were shocked to find out how he was treated. We wrote letters to his family to share how their story made us feel and our hopes for the future. We hope that all people learn about the impact of their actions and how dangerous and upsetting racism can be.

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Scots Poetry

This week, we are learning Scots poetry. Please practice with us at home so we feel confident to recite our poems next week.

Your child will have one of these poems to practice in their bag.

  • Veggie Olympics
  • Street Talk
  • A Night’s rain

Thank you,


Miss Hall & Primary 5 🙂

The Northern Lights

We have been enjoying reading our class novel The Christmasaurus. We read about the Northern Lights and learned about how the colours are made in the sky. We enjoyed some sensory play to create swirled patterns like we saw in the pictures. We also created beautiful artwork using oil pastels and blending.

Pupil Voice: STEM Group

Today, we looked at the E (Engineering) element of STEAM in our Pupil Voice Group. We designed rollercoasters and used only Lego or paper to build our designs. We even had a go at making some carts to move along the track. Excellent Engineering! 

STEM Challenge

To finish off our Chance and Probability topic, we have completed a STEM challenge. We made theoretical predictions about coin toss and dice rolling. We carried out a series of challenges to see if our expectations were correct.

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