Primary 3/2 Meet the Teacher
Primary 7 Meet The Teacher 2020-21
Primary 5 – Meet the teacher 20/21
Primary 5 Learning Letter
P3/4 Learning Letter Term 1
P4 Class Learning Letter
P6 Learning Letter – August 2020
Primary 7 Learning Letter- Term 1
Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 7. After a different and challenging few months, I hope you have all had a relaxing summer and are now feeling refreshed. We are so excited to welcome all of our children back into school and are looking forward to finding our ‘new normal.’ This term, we will be working together on building a classroom community and extending this throughout the school. Some of our P7s will be excitedly preparing for our upcoming House Captain elections and will be encouraged to demonstrate all of our school values in this process. Although this will be a slightly different year, we are very excited to embrace all of the new responsibilities and challenges that come with being a Primary 7!
Miss Sherlow