Burns Celebration

We had a lovely afternoon on Thursday at our Burns Celebration.  Pupils from P1 to P7 recited Scots poems and the Nursery shared a brilliant rendition of the ‘Shoogly Woogly’.  Our judges (Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Bokhari and Mrs Tempany) had a very difficult job.  They chose five pupils to represent us at the West Lothian event on 7th March – Cailin  P7, Leah  P6, Kaylie  P5, Oliver P1 and Adam P2.  Very well deserved!  Everyone joined together to sing ‘O Flower of Scotland’ and ‘Caledonia’.


Internet Safety in P6, P7/6 and P7

This morning, P6, P7 and P7/6 had the opportunity to take part in a live GLOW meet with Police Scotland all about internet safety. This was part of Safer Internet Day 2018. This topic is a core part of the Technologies curriculum:

I can explore online communities demonstrating an understanding of responsible digital behaviour and I’m aware of how to keep myself safe and secure. (TCH 2-03a)

Pupils joined with thousands of others across Scotland to listen to police officers talk about a range of online safety strategies and then opportunity was given for questions to be answered afterwards.

Hopefully all of us have learned a little bit more about staying safe online and about how our own conduct online can affect others.

Kate Downie

P6 were making Japanese art we made blossom trees. We made the branches of a tree with black ink then we made the blossoms with red ink. Kate Downie is a famous artist for her blossom tree art. She added a person taking a picture of the tree. Her pictures are very relistic because she uses lots of different shades of colours to make it stand out. The colours of the branches get lighter the further it gets the same with the blossoms.

P7:Term 3 Learning Letter

Learning Letter P7 Term 3 – 2017-18 JR.ER

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to term 3 in Primary 7. Last term, we enjoyed our two IDL contexts, Mid Calder Memories and Wonder, and we have now started learning about Japan. After our focus on reading for enjoyment in term 2, I am pleased to see so many pupils bringing in their own novels to class and choosing to read them whenever they can. Please keep track of all that we are learning this term via the school blog. Mrs Redmond & Mrs Ramsay

P6/7: Term 3 Learning Letters

Learning Letter P7-6 Term 3 – 2017-18

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to term 3 in Primary 7/6. Last term, we enjoyed our two IDL contexts, Mid Calder Memories and Wonder, and we have now started learning all about Japan. After our focus on reading for enjoyment in term 2, I am pleased to see so many pupils bringing in their own novels to class and choosing to read them whenever they can. Please keep track of all that we are learning this term via the school blog. Miss Richmond

P6: Term 3 Learning Letter

Learning Letter P6 Term 3 – 2017-18

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to term 3 in Primary 6. Last term, we enjoyed our two IDL contexts, Mid Calder Memories and Wonder, and we have now started learning all about Japan. After our focus on reading for enjoyment in term 2, I am pleased to see so many pupils bringing in their own novels to class and choosing to read them whenever they can. Please keep track of all that we are learning this term via the school blog.Mr Renshaw

P5: Term 3 Learning Letter

Learning Letter P5a P5c Term 3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 5. We hope you have all enjoyed a restful Christmas and New Year break and that the children are ready for the new challenges of the term ahead. Last week saw the beginning of our new IDL context ‘RMS TITANIC’. The children have already engaged really well with this fascinating topic and many of them have been keen to share facts or information they have found with the rest of the class. Throughout this context we will be focusing on life in the Edwardian era, in particular the class system and how this impacted on the disaster. We will also learn about the personal stories of the passengers on board the ship and will consider whether the disaster could have been prevented. Miss Anderson and Mrs Campbell

P3: Term 3 Learning Letter

Learning Letter P3 Term 3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 3. We are looking forward to a busy and fun term. The highlights of last term included our Mini Mid Calder Main Street sharing the learning afternoon and our IDL context based on The Creakers. We also loved learning and performing Tom Fletcher’s Afraid of Heights for the West Lothian YouTube channel. We have now begun our new IDL context for learning, Homeward Bound, and are excited about helping Gamba the Giraffe to make his way home to Africa.


Miss Sherlow

P2: Term 3 Learning Letter

Learning Letter P2 T3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 2. We are certainly looking forward to a very busy term, and the children have already settled back into classroom routines.

The highlights of last term included our Sharing the Learning Afternoon. P2 enjoyed opening their own shop and selling the goods they had made. It was a great opportunity to handle money in a real life context. Thank you to everyone who also came along to our Open Afternoon during Scottish Book Week. The children very much enjoyed exploring the contents of their Read, Write, Count Bag with you. We have now started our new IDL context for learning – Homeward Bound. We are looking forward to helping our giraffe find his way back home to Africa.

Mrs Smith

P1: Term 3 learning Letter.

Learning Letter P1 T3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 1. We are looking forward to a busy and fun term. The highlights of last term included our local area trip, as part of our Travelling Ted IDL and of course our marvellous ‘Midwife Crisis’ Nativity. This term we will be starting our new IDL context for learning, Whatever the Weather.

Miss Prior and Mrs Walker

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