Category Archives: News

House Meetings

Today we had our first House Meeting and the Vice and House Captains did a fantastic job or organising and leading the meeting. They created their own House Meeting Agenda which started with discussing the House Community Contract, followed by a Community Builder so that we could get to know everyone in our house. They completed a Values Vote to select which 2 values their house would stand for. Then they set the challenge of designing a logo and slogan for their house. The results will be shared at the assembly on Friday. Well done on a fantastic first House Meeting!

September Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

It was lovely to see so many of you at the recent Meet the Teacher event. Our House Captains made an excellent presentation to parents outlining the school Positive Ethos policy. This was their first House Captain duty and they delivered their key messages in an engaging and informative way and are a true asset to the school.

I hope you all have a lovely September break.

Miss Thompson

September 2015 newsletter

First Event for House & Vice Captains

Today our house and vice-captains had their first task to complete in their new leadership roles. The house captains presented to guests at our Validated Self Evaluation (VSE) Scoping Meeting about the changes that have occurred in our school and the positive impact the changes had had on them. The vice captains showed our guests around the school. A big thank you to the house captain team who represented our school in a positive and engaging way.


Meet the Teacher 2015

Tonight we had our annual Meet the Teacher evening. The evening began with an introduction from Miss Thompson explaining our priorities for the year ahead. This was followed by the a presentation from the house captains on our positive ethos policy and how we have been building our community. We shared a video made by P4-7 about internet safety and Mrs Kellner gave an overview of support for learning at Mid Calder Primary. Next each class had a workshop so that parents could find out more about what their child will be learning this year. Thank you to the parents who supported this event, and to the house captains and staff for their contributions.

2014-2015_Standard & Quality Report: Parent leaflet

2015 16 School Improvement Plan: Parent Leaflet