Category Archives: Events

PSA Easter Egg Competiton

A big well done to everyone who participated in the PSA Easter Egg Competition. Mrs Murray and Miss Sherlow had a difficult job judging the competition! Mrs Learmont from the PSA presented the winners with an Easter Egg at the Church service today. Thank you to the PSA for organising this event.


Cracking the case with the Constable

Today, Primary 5 had a special visit from Constable Graham McKenzie who gave us an insight into the different roles the police would play in an investigation similar to the one in our IDL context, Kidnapped. He explained different useful ‘intelligence’ or clues that the police would look for at a crime scene, and how they would gather the evidence. He also explained how he and his colleagues might use this to solve a crime and catch a suspect.

Constable McKenzie also gave examples of the different roles he has taken on within the police, and examples of crime scenes he has attended. We also had the opportunity to touch some of the vital equipment an officer requires to keep themselves and others safe. We even got to try some of it on- the body armour was much heavier than we expected it to be!

A big thank you to Constable McKenzie for coming to talk to us and help us with our investigations.

P5 Trip to Dynamic Earth

On Thursday, Primary 5A and Primary 5B took a trip to Dynamic Earth to consolidate our learning about natural disasters. As well as feeling the ground shuddering as a molten lava flow sped towards us as we watched volcanoes throw clouds of ash and gas into the sky, we also had the chance to travel back in time, touch an iceberg and fly above the Polar ice caps. We took part in a workshop where we were able to show off our knowledge of different natural disasters, as well as learn new and interesting facts as we created our own tornadoes, held real moon rocks and tried to construct a building that would withstand an earthquake.

Thank you to our parents helpers for your help throughout- what a fantastic trip!

Building Site Safety

Today, Mid Calder Primary had an important talk from Stephen from Hadden Construction, the company who are building our new nursery. He showed us the plans for the nursery, described what it will look like, and spoke to us about some of the equipment that will be used to build it. We also learned about the different careers people can have in the construction industry. He also taught us, very importantly, about the potential dangers found on a building site, and how to keep ourselves safe.

Stephen also introduced a whole competition to design a poster about building site safety. Hadden Construction have very kindly donated money to the school for prizes, so we are very excited to take part and to share what we have learned about how to stay safe.

If you want to learn more about building site safety, visit Ivor Goodsite’s website:

West Lothian’s LAL Day Event

Today, Mid Calder Primary School were invited along to West Lothian’s Literacy Across Learning Event to share how we improve literacy using digital technologies. Calum, Ben, Grace and Kirsty joined Miss Burton and Miss Sherlow to present to Head Teachers, teachers and a range of other practitioners from across West Lothian. They did a fantastic job in sharing how we use a variety of digital platforms and tools to enhance learning in our school, and received positive feedback about how confidently they presented. Well done Calum, Ben, Grace and Kirsty!

P5B’s Mission 9: Vehicle Database

We are learning to use an online database to locate information

Success Criteria:
– I understand what a database is, the different forms they can take and what they are used for
– I can select the key words needed to retrieve the specific information I need
– I can filter results to discount irrelevant information

As part of their IDL context, Kidnapped, Primary 5B received another mission- to use an online database to identify the type of getaway car used in the kidnapping. Chief Anderson had sent us a partial tyre track found at the crime scene, and we had to use our knowledge of line symmetry to complete the track. We then searched an online database to identify the make of the car it came from, hoping that this would help us to eliminate some of the suspects. We were able to narrow down our search to 3 types of getaway cars that could have been used. Another online database helped us to find out about the vehicles owned by each of our 6 remaining suspects, locating the registration number, vehicle type, model, colour and any other distinguishing features of their vehicles. We had to ensure that we used the correct spelling and our skimming and scanning skills to locate the key information. We recorded our notes in our case files.

We then shared this learning with our parents, carers and family friends during our STEM open afternoon, along with 4 other activities to demonstrate some of the new knowledge and skills we have gained from our Kidnapped topic so far. We rotated around 5 different stations:

1. Handwriting Analysis
2. Fingerprint Analysis
3. Forensic science careers research
4. Completing a partial tyre track
5. Deciphering a secret code

We enjoyed showing off our evidence wall and our Yammer page, as well as having help from our parents/carers to complete some of the missions.

P4A’s STEM afternoon

This week, we had the opportunity to set up a number of experiments and activities, that are part of our STEM topic ‘Project Planetarium’.  This included designing and building a rocket launcher, which we then tested according to how high the rocket would go from the launcher.We had some help from the parents that came along top our open afternoon.

We created an experiment using a rocket, balloon and string to test the most effective way of forcing the rocket to move. Lastly, we were able to reinforce our knowledge of constellations using marshmallows and toothpicks by carefully following the design of different constellations. Well done Primary 4A and thank you to the parents that came along to see our hard work.

STEM Sharing the Learning Afternoon

This afternoon we opened our doors to parents, carers and friends to come and explore our STEM interdisciplinary learning. In the different areas we had:

  • Nursery: STEM activities
  • P1 and P2/1: Building our Nursery
  • P3/2: Bike Challenge
  • P3: Baby Gym
  • P4: Project Planetarium
  • P5: Kidnapped: CSI
  • P6-7: Cool Chemistry

Visitors had an opportunity to take part in a range of science, technologies, engineering and mathematical activities with their children including chemistry experiments, designing the front of our new nursery, making parts of a bike, trying out toys for our baby gyms, making star constellations, fingerprint analysis and showcasing how we use digital learning.

The Nursery used this opportunity to try out their Go Pro, and Scarlet and Archie recorded the STEM afternoon through their eyes.

Our Technical Troopers also tried out using Microsoft Forms to collect information about out visitors’ experiences. This was a fantastic and instant way to gain feedback. You can complete the form by clicking here if you did not have time to do so during your visit.

Some of our feedback so far has included:

The most popular Science, Technologies or Mathematical skills evident during your visit:

  • Creativity
  • Observation
  • Problem Solving
  • Scientific inquiry and investigation
  • Discussion

We use a range of ways to involve parents/carers in their children’s learning. The methods you prefer are:

  • Newsletter
  • Parents Night
  • Sending jotters home
  • Sharing the Learning Afternoon

At Mid Calder we use digital technologies in a range of ways to enhance learning and teaching experiences. How do you feel the use of digital technologies enhances your child/ children’s learning?

  • To enhance learning for the future and modern living. Knowing what is safe and secure online. Learning new things that I may not be able to help with or understand.
  • Excellent , as technology is the future and will be used more and more as my child gets older and becomes an adult. I would encourage more use of technology in school and support the use of all types of digital technologies.
  • The use of digital learning will enhance their learning experiences and translate to real life.
  • I think they find it more engaging and interesting. Technology is everywhere, in leisure and the world of work and it helps to learn about it now. In the case of Sumdog, learning can be continued at home.
  • I feel that the digital technology used in the nursery is a great way to help the children’s understanding of how the things in the real world work. Everything is digital now and learning to use these technologies at a young age is beneficial as these can be used in a range of ways. We have a range of different devices in the household and although used more as a treat, I feel that my child knows how things work and can’t believe how quickly things can be picked up.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support the event.


Last Friday, four pupils from Primary 6 – Aiden, Matilda, Calum and Erin – took part in the West Lothian heat for Euroquiz 2017. This took place at Howden Park Centre. The Scottish European Educational Trust runs an annual Euroquiz for P6 pupils, which sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe. Subjects covered include history, geography, sport, culture, languages and the European Union. Our four did us proud with their knowledge, effort and behaviour. They were a credit to the school and all really enjoyed taking part.