Category Archives: Events

Almondell Party

In Term 3 Almondell won the House Cup. Andi and Keigan decided they would like to plan a party for their house. Andy planned a game of corners, then some refreshments and dancing games. Ellie brouhgt her candy floss machine in and made everyone in the house candy floss.

Well done girls for planning such a fab party and thank you to all the Primary 7s that helped!

The Scottish SPCA visit P1, P2/1 and P2

We were all very excited yesterday when the SSPCA visited our school to talk to us about and show us what they do to help out the animals across Scotland.

Lee, the Animal Welfare Officer, was very interesting and we all listened intently while she explained how she rescues and treats all different types of wild and domestic animals.

It was great to be able to handle and try on the specialist equipment Lee had brought with her. It was funny when Niamh tried on Lee’s high visibility jacket she wears at night time and near roads – it was slightly too big!

We learned that if we see people being cruel to animals we must tell an adult and someone will be there to help them. The SSPCA do a great job and we really enjoyed the visit. Thank you for our fancy pencils, we really like them 🙂 .

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