Category Archives: Events

Digital Learning Week: Sumdog Contest

P1-7 have been entered to take part in Sumdog’s special Scottish contest to celebrate Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week. This runs from 12-18th May and can be played at both home and at school using the Sumdog website or app. All pupils should have their Sumdog log in their homework diary/ book.

The children have to answer 1000 questions and their score is based on accuracy, not speed or winning games. There are also prizes to be won and certificates will be given out at assembly for those children in the top 50 from across Scotland.

Good luck everyone!

The Primary 3’s had fun at our Brilliant Baby Gym Assembly!

Last Friday Primary 3 presented an assembly all about our Baby Gym Challenge. We had to work really hard when designing, building and selling our baby gyms so we couldn’t wait to share our learning with everyone.

Ignatius: “I was so excited to go on stage and hold up my ‘nose’ picture!”

Lewis C: “When I was doing the Boss Baby Rap I was really nervous but I enjoyed it!”

Carla: “I enjoyed doing the Boss Baby Rap because I got to do some funny dance moves.”

Ben: “At first I didn’t want to be a Boss Baby. But once I had done it I wasn’t so nervous and  enjoyed it after all!”




Dishing Out Our Digital Knowledge

Today, representatives from Eastertoun Primary visited our school to find out some of the ways that we use digital technologies to enhance our learning. Primary 5B showed our guests how we share our achievements on our iAchieve blog, as well as how we have used some of the Glow tools to support and challenge us across the curriculum. We shared how Bring Your Own Device works in Mid Calder, and also gave them a tour of our class Yammer pages, explaining the different ways in which we have used these.

Next, pupils from P6 and P7 who were involved in the process of MCPS becoming a Bring Your Own Device school shared this journey with our visitors. This offered an excellent opportunity for questions to be asked and answered by pupils from both schools. Our guests also popped into Primary 4B who shared their new knowledge of the language of coding with them.

The visit ended with a chat with some of our Technical Troopers who explained some of their roles and responsibilities and how they have helped to support digital learning across the school.

We hope that our guests found their visit valuable and we look forward to hearing how they progress in their own journey using our new collaborative Yammer page.

PSA Fundraising Update

Movie Night £253.41
Dress Up Day £197.23
Bingo Night £428.69
Easter Egg Competition £73.76
Easy Fundraising Website £24.13
Dress Down Day £212.60

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our first Bingo night and I hope everyone enjoyed playing. It was a learning experience for the PSA – none of who had played bingo, but fun seems to have been had by all!

Well done everyone for raising so much for the school. The money raised from these events will be held by the PSA to ensure that next year our commitments, such as subsidising school trips, the Halloween parties etc will be met.

However, money raised from the Spring Fair will be going towards the playground fund and, with your help, we should reach the £10,000 total by the end of May.

Term 3 Celebration Assembly

This morning we welcomed parents and friends along to our Celebration Celebration so that pupils could receive their STEM Super Star and Remarkable Reader Awards. We also announced the Top Scorers for each house and a big well done to Almondell who won the House Cup for last term.

Miss Sherlow presented those pupils who came in the top 50 of the West Lothain SumDog Competition with a certificate.

Lewis and Ross, both past pupils from our school who now attend West Calder High shared their achievements with us. They reminded us it was important to achievement academically and in other areas of life, and also to have fund along the way. A big thank you to Lewis and Ross for joining us.