Category Archives: Primary 5

Read All About It!

Learning Intention: We are learning to skim and scan for information.

P5B have been using the First News newspaper to develop our reading skills this week. We learned about the skills of skimming for gist and scanning for specific information, then applied these skills when taking part in a news quiz. We were read a set of questions related to articles in this week’s First News edition and had to skim and scan to locate the answer as quickly as possible. We have also been learning how to ask and answer a range of questions about a text through our new IDL context, George’s Marvellous Medicine.


Celebration Assembly- Term 1

On Friday, we had our first Celebration Assembly of this session. Each class teacher nominated two people in their class to receive a Remarkable Reader award and a STEM Superstar award and their parents were invited along to the assembly.

We presented top scorer awards and celebrated the fact that Linhouse were our winning house last term.  Some of our pupils have also achieved their bronze and silver awards for their iAchieve level which tracks achievement inside and outside of school.

Well done to everyone who received an award!


P5a’s Roman Army

This week, P5a have been busy designing and making their own Roman shields.

We studied different Roman Army tactics and practised organising ourselves into the different formations.
We took our shields out to the playground and protected ourselves with different formations.

The Testudo (also known as The Tortoise)
“It looks like a shell” (Grace)
“No-one could shoot arrows or anything from above.” (Fraser B)
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The Testudo was harder than we thought it would be!
“There was not enough cover at the back.  The tall people had to crouch down.  If I didn’t crouch down, I wouldn’t have had any cover on my head.” (Jamie H)

The Orb
“We were all holding shields in a circle so hard for anyone to get in.  Some were facing the front and some facing the back so we can’t get attacked by our enemies.” (Jamie P)
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“It is safer inside.  It is more dangerous to be on the outside.” (Connor)

The Wedge
P5b’s Army arrived so P5a went into The Wedge formation.
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“It made people move out of the way and they couldn’t get past.” (Luke)

P5a then got in to a defence position to fight off P5b.
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“It is safe at the front under the shields as any weapon coming down will just bounce off the shields.”

P5a marched a victory lap around the playground!
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“The marching was funny.  We all had to step at the same time.  We had to keep pace to show we are coming together and we are all important.” (Olivia)
“We could be marching to go to war.  They do it in four file.” (Jack)

Tabletastic in P5B

We are learning to recall our times tables quickly and accurately. 

  • I can recite and recall the multiples and table facts of all tables
  • I can use a range of strategies to help me work out a fact if I cannot instantly remember it

This term, Primary 5B have been recapping our times tables facts. We have explored a variety of key vocabulary linked to multiplication including groups of, lots of, times and multiplied by. We have used our bodies to create human arrays and groups to represent a range of multiplication facts.

We also create arrays using materials we found outside, as well as using chalk to create different pictorial and numerical representations of our table facts. We have been practicing our times tables through our Maths Facts of the Day.


Teaching station- We have been learning about the links between different tables e.g. the 4 times table is just double the 2 times table, and that 6 x 4 is the same as 4 x 6. We have also been exploring the link between multiplication and division.

ICT station- Sumdog Multiplication Challenge

Game group- playing Multiplication Bingo and a variety of games to develop our quick recall.

Supporting at home:

Security in the recall of multiplication and division facts is vital for future learning in maths. Here are a few ways you can support your child’s recall of the table facts at home:

Tables puzzle– Ask your child to write out one of the times-tables in order, without the answers, and then cut out each question to create a puzzle. On the back of each question, e.g. 4 × 8, they write the answer, e.g. 32. You can then use the puzzle cards to test their knowledge of the answers to table facts or of the question that produces a particular answer.

Quick Fire Questions- At any spare moment throughout the day, ask your child a mixture of times tables questions with a focus on the times tables that they do not feel confident with.

Sumdog– an additional challenge named ‘TIMES TABLES CHALLENGE’ has been added that specifically focuses on table facts. 15 minutes on Sumdog every day would be an excellent and fun way to learn times tables.

Linhouse PJ Party!

Congratulations to Linhouse who won the House Cup in Term 1.

The pupils and staff of Linhouse joined together for a PJ party today organised by Jamie and Freya. The party  included  corners, games, dancing and lots of yummy food. A big well done to the house captain, vice captain and all the Primary 7s who helped to organise and run the party.

Well done Linhouse!
