P5a’s Roman Army

This week, P5a have been busy designing and making their own Roman shields.

We studied different Roman Army tactics and practised organising ourselves into the different formations.
We took our shields out to the playground and protected ourselves with different formations.

The Testudo (also known as The Tortoise)
“It looks like a shell” (Grace)
“No-one could shoot arrows or anything from above.” (Fraser B)
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The Testudo was harder than we thought it would be!
“There was not enough cover at the back.  The tall people had to crouch down.  If I didn’t crouch down, I wouldn’t have had any cover on my head.” (Jamie H)

The Orb
“We were all holding shields in a circle so hard for anyone to get in.  Some were facing the front and some facing the back so we can’t get attacked by our enemies.” (Jamie P)
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“It is safer inside.  It is more dangerous to be on the outside.” (Connor)

The Wedge
P5b’s Army arrived so P5a went into The Wedge formation.
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“It made people move out of the way and they couldn’t get past.” (Luke)

P5a then got in to a defence position to fight off P5b.
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“It is safe at the front under the shields as any weapon coming down will just bounce off the shields.”

P5a marched a victory lap around the playground!
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“The marching was funny.  We all had to step at the same time.  We had to keep pace to show we are coming together and we are all important.” (Olivia)
“We could be marching to go to war.  They do it in four file.” (Jack)

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