Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

iAchieve in P4

At Mid Calder we recognise that profiling it creating a holistic overview of the child as a learner through reflection and dialogue. This is central to practice in recognising achievement, profiling and reporting.

What is profiling?

Profiling means that learners will be engaged in regular, on-going discussions with staff about their progress. This should be a continuous process for all learners from 3 to 18.


iAchieve is our new approach to achievement which is being used in all our cluster schools. Each child now has a copy of their iAchieve level. You can download these here:

This is used to track their achievements inside and outside of school. When they have achieved three of the tasks in each box they will receive a certificate in class or at a Friday Assembly and move on to the next area within their level, for example if they complete Brilliant Bronze for Responsible Citizen they will move on to Super Silver.

If the achievement has been completed at home the pupil can fill out an iAchieve sheet which are available from their class teacher or Primary 4 to 5 have the option of using their private iAchieve blog:

Using the iAchieve Blog:

  • Google MCPS Blog to access the school blog
  • Select iAchieve, Primary 4 from the tab along the top
  • Pupils enter their Glow username and password
  • At the top they can click add, new post or on the right hand panel they can click add a new post
  • The blog post should link to their iAchieve pathway
  • Tick the categories for the post including:
    • Award
    • 4 Capacities
    • Value
    • Level – 4
    • And any other relevant category
  • Tag their name by typing in their name and clicking add
  • Add a title
  • Write their post (you will see examples on the blog):
    • Title of achievement from their pathway (in bold and colour)
    • Summary of achievement and what they learned
    • What school value they lived (the school value can be in bold and colour)
  • If you wish to add a photo:
  • Click on add media
  • This will ask you to browse for the photo on your computer
  • Click insert into post
  • Click Publish

Download these instructions here: iAchieve-in-p4

Level 4 iAchieve: iAchieve Level 4

P2/3 Forest Foragers

Primary 2 and 3 Forage in the Forest 28th September 2016

The walk was brilliant – it is amazing how much more incidental learning happens when you get outdoors. We saw birds migrating, found cep boletus and examined the parts of the fungi, created journey sticks and transient artworks, recorded interesting finds on talking tins and i-pads, and gathered data from layers of the forest as tally marks. Some tasted brambles for the first time! On our next adventure this week we gathered rosehips to make a healthy syrup.


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 Cluster Clubs for the West Calder Area

Swimming lessons on Fridays at West Calder High School;

Active Schools & Swim IT are running a swimming club for all pupils in P1-P7 every Friday at the West Calder High School Pool. The swimming lessons are aimed at non swimmers but all ages and abilities are welcome.

P1-P3: 13.00-13.45

P4-P7: 13.45-14.30

The lessons start on the 7th October – 2nd December (no lessons will run on the 21st October due to it being half term)

Each lesson will cost £2

If you would like to book a place for your child please contact the Active Schools Coordinator on . Spaces are limited so please get in touch soon.


P5-P7 Rugby Club on Fridays at Parkhead Primary School;

Livingston Rugby Club Coach Lee Anne Steel will be running the rugby club for both girls and boys in P5-7 for all abilities. The club will run from 13.00-14.00 starting on the 28th October -2nd December and is free. If you would like any more information please contact or

GRC Triathlon Club on Wednesdays at West Calder Primary School;

This community club delivers alternate training sessions with one week swimming and one week gym fitness with games. Its open to all pupils aged 8-16 and runs from 6-7.15pm and costs £2 per session. This club is already in action so if you would like to join please get in touch with Coach Robert Ovens on 07971417877 or visit for more information.

House Meeting 1

On Friday we had our first House Meeting of the term. This was a chance for us to meet up with everyone in our house and welcome the new P1s. The House and Vice Captains set a task for us to look at the new school motto: Believe, Achieve and You’ll Succeed and what this would look like and sound like in our school. We are designing shields to display around the school.

A postcard from the rainforest.

Learning Intention:

We are learning how to write a postcard. 

Success Criteria:

I can include specific features of a postcard that include;

  • Layout
  • Stamp
  • Address

I can use interesting vocabulary in my postcard.

This week in writing, we researched facts about  different rainforests in the world and watched an informative video. Then we used all our knowledge we had learned, to decide which rainforest we would write from and what we would experience if we spent a holiday there. We came up with lots of fantastic adjectives to describe our experience in the rainforest including different aspects such as the climate, food and animals.

Super effort, primary 4a.

Pizza Delivery!

The nursery children have spent the last two weeks creating Pizza World! We have taken orders, written menus, made pizzas at the craft table, made deliveries, we have had cheese and tomato, pepperoni, ham and pineapple and much, much more! Pizza World got a new manager in the afternoon and he had to deal with complaints about noise and occasionally had to get his team to tidy up the shop!!! After all the hard work, creativity, sharing, communicating and lots of smiles, the children got the opportunity to make their own pizzas. With the help of 2 parents they prepared the area, washed their hands, spread the tomato base and added their topping. After 10 minutes in the oven the pizzas looked, tasted and smelled delicious!

Well done boys and girls!

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We launched our new approach to achievement last week at Meet the Teacher. Each child now has a copy of their iAchieve level (you can download these below) and this is used to tracked their achievements. When they have achieved three of the tasks in each box they will receive a certificate in class or at a Friday Assembly and move on to the next area within their level, for example if they complete Brilliant Bronze for Responsible Citizen they will move on to Super Silver.

If the achievement has been completed at home the pupil can fill out an iAchieve sheet (found below) which are available from their class teacher. Primary 4 to 6 have the option of using their iAchieve blog (the link to these blogs are above and pupils will require their Glow password as these blogs are private) and Primary 7 can use Didbook, to record their achievements.

Our Achievement Assemblies will now be Celebration Assemblies, these will celebration our achievements for that term and pupils will be presented with a Literacy and STEM Award as nominated by their class teacher. The parents/ carers of that pupil will be invited along to the assembly.

iAchieve Level 1

iAchieve Level 2

iAchieve Level 3

iAchieve Level 4

iAchieve Level 5

iAchieve Level 6

iAchieve Level 7

iAchieve evidence

Gotta live them all in P5B


As part of our welcome to P5B week, we worked together to create our class charter which will help us to be a successful class throughout this year. We began by voting on a theme for our charter, then we created a design for it in pairs. We combined our designs to put together the final pokemon themed product. We used the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to help us create some class rules that linked into the 7 different key articles that we explored.

We agreed that in P5B, we will…

  • Listen to each other and respect each others’ opinions.
  • Respect each others’ privacy.
  • Take part in a range of different learning activities to develop our talents and skills. We will always try our best.
  • Keep our environment and classroom as safe and as healthy as we can.
  • Respect people from all countries and their languages, religions and cultures.
  • Respect each others’ right to an education by staying focused and on task and not distracting others.
  • Make sure we take time to play and relax. We will let people join in our games by being inclusive.