All posts by Miss Burton

PSA Fundraising Update

A big thank you to everyone who supported the school with the PSA’s last 2 fundraising events. Jazz Up Your Gymmies has raised £219.09 (we’re still not finished jazzing so don’t worry if your child’s shoes haven’t been done yet) and the Dress Down Day made £219.40.

We’d also like to say a huge thank you to Helen Turner who, not only helped us out at the Spring Fair, but again applied to her employer, the Bank of Scotland, for Matched Giving who gave us £500 for her time helping a charity.

If you’d like more information about if your employer operates the Matched Giving Scheme you can contact your human resources team or this is a link is a rough guide but may be out of date.

This brings our total for the playground fund to £5,274.55.

A big thank you to the PSA for organising these events and to everyone who has contributed.


P2 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 of Primary 2. I hope you all had a relaxing summer break. We are looking forward to a busy and exciting term. Over the first few weeks we have been working hard to establish a positive and effective classroom ethos. This has included getting to know each other, and creating our own Community Contract, which helps pupils, staff and visitors to understand how the school values and children’s rights are respected within our classroom.

Mrs George, P2/1 Teacher

Learning Letter P2 2016 T1

P7/6 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 7/6. All the children are settling well in to P7/6 and over the last fortnight we have been doing a lot of community building exercises to ensure that the children get to know each other. This term the children are looking forward to learning about the World War 2. The children will soon be asked to join a Junior Leadership Team and we look forward to making positive changes within our school this year. Children will be challenged each morning with quick start activities including Maths, Literacy and thinking problems to stimulate their learning in the morning.

Learning letterT1 P6-7

P6 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to our first term in Primary 6. All of the children are settling well into P6 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. There is lots to look forward to including our new IDL context: World War 2. The children are excited and motivated to learn and are already sharing facts about the topic and stories from their family histories. Also, all pupils are soon to join a Junior Leadership Team and look forward to making positive changes within our school this year.

Mr Renshaw

P6 Teacher

Learning Letter P6 Term 1

P1 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 of Primary 1. I hope you all had a relaxing summer break. In school we are looking forward to a busy and exciting term. Over the first few weeks we have been working hard to establish a positive and effective classroom ethos. This has included getting to know each other, and creating our own Community Contract, which helps pupils, staff and visitors to understand how the school values and children’s rights are respected within our classroom.

Mrs Smith, P1 Teacher

Learning Letter P1

P5 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 5. All of the children have settled well into P5 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. So far, the children have participated in a community building fortnight where we have been getting to know each other, creating our class charter and becoming familiar with our new class routines. We also had a mini focus on our school value of being inclusive. We have begun our new IDL context for learning, The Romans, and the children have created a set of questions that they would like to find the answers to  and we will be exploring these through the topic.

Miss Sherlow and Mrs Stewart

P5 teachers

Learning Letter P5 Term 1


We launched our new approach to achievement last week at Meet the Teacher. Each child now has a copy of their iAchieve level (you can download these below) and this is used to tracked their achievements. When they have achieved three of the tasks in each box they will receive a certificate in class or at a Friday Assembly and move on to the next area within their level, for example if they complete Brilliant Bronze for Responsible Citizen they will move on to Super Silver.

If the achievement has been completed at home the pupil can fill out an iAchieve sheet (found below) which are available from their class teacher. Primary 4 to 6 have the option of using their iAchieve blog (the link to these blogs are above and pupils will require their Glow password as these blogs are private) and Primary 7 can use Didbook, to record their achievements.

Our Achievement Assemblies will now be Celebration Assemblies, these will celebration our achievements for that term and pupils will be presented with a Literacy and STEM Award as nominated by their class teacher. The parents/ carers of that pupil will be invited along to the assembly.

iAchieve Level 1

iAchieve Level 2

iAchieve Level 3

iAchieve Level 4

iAchieve Level 5

iAchieve Level 6

iAchieve Level 7

iAchieve evidence

Meet the Teacher 2016

On Thursday we held our annual Meet the Teacher event. This was an opportunity for parents and carers to find out what our school priorities are for the year, meet their child/ren’s teacher and find out about their learning. Thank you to everyone who attended this event, and to the house ad vice captains for helping out. If you were unable to attend the presentations and learning letters will be available in the blog.

Feedback from the event included:

  • I am fully aware and impressed with the plans for this session.
  • I feel more informed.
  • Great to know what my child will be learning in the coming year,
  • Useful to know about the class routine.
  • Very happy to see the amount of resources available.

Standards and Quality Report