Tag Archives: P1

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone,

I hope you had a wonderful Easter break – a little bit different to normal I imagine, but I hope you all managed to have fun, to relax and to spend some time (in person or on the phone/internet) with friends and family.

I had a nice Easter doing lots of cooking, some drawing and a bit of decorating. Our dog, Bennie, has decided he likes sitting beside the window because he is quite nosy and likes to look into the garden to spy on any birds and cats. We have been enjoying the lovely Spring weather and all the new flowers near us, have you seen any nice signs of Spring? It seems to have arrived at last!

Here is a link to a fun pattern song that we like to dance to in P1B:

Perhaps ask an adult to skip the adverts. This song reminds me of all the fun we have together, and also it is fitting because we always say that in P1B, the B stands for brilliant and… totally bananas!!! I miss you all very much and can’t wait to hear about some of the learning and playing you are doing at home.

Take care everyone,

Mrs Jamieson

Here is Bennie exploring our shared garden!