Tag Archives: 3a It’s Friday!

24.4.20 Good Morning 3a

Good morning everybody.

We are so lucky to be able to enjoy this good weather. One of our class emailed me to let me know how he was helping his Mum plant flowers in the garden. That’s a great learning opportunity and I’m sure they both enjoyed themselves.

I know a lot of posts appear on this blog, but if you click on P3 at the top of the screen, it should be easier to find the posts specific to P3.  ( Pssst – it’s also worth checking what activities have been posted by 3b teachers and any of the other classes. ). From Monday, your weekly home learning grid will also be posted on our blog.

Our poem today is a new one to me. It was sent by a member of our class who knows a lot about dinosaurs.

Aunty Ruby

Aunty Ruby had a dinosaur

She took it everywhere

She taught it how to knit and sew

And wash her underwear

She used to ride upon its nose

A great mistake I think

‘Cos it sneezed her into outer space

And now Aunty is extinct.


Just one activity today – please email me and share your learning or news. Or both.

Have a great weekend.

Ms Occardi

Just for fun. Katie Morag wishes lockdown would end.