P2/1 – Thursday 14th May

Hello boys and girls

Oh dearie me! After being so glad to find out our quiz link worked it seems like yesterday the Story Time from Home link and rainbow video didn’t!  Well the annoying thing was it worked for some people and it seemed fine to me whenever I checked it.  Aren’t computers strange things?

Hopefully today will be better but if not please let me know, grown ups! This should be the Story Time link  below.


Thank you for all the messages and photographs yesterday – I had a lovely time looking at them all. I have now added the shape activities to Heinemann Active Maths for you to try.  In school, the teachers call this resource HAM because it is too long to write and say Heinemann Active Maths all the time.  When you shorten words like this it is called an acronym and we use lots of them in school.  One you will probably know is ORT for Oxford Reading Tree.  I thought I would mention HAM though because the grown ups might see it written down on learning grids and plans and get very confused!

  or ?

Have a good day and just keep doing what you can.

Miss McDermott



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