Happy Friday 22.5.2020

At the beginning of lock down we asked you to make rainbow pictures for your house windows. This is to spread hope and make people smile. We are asking this again, but this time to brighten up our school for all to see.

We have set up a collection point outside the main entrance of the school.  Every school day between 8am-4pm there will be a plastic set of drawers outside the door.  Please put your completed rainbow picture in the top drawer.  The other drawers are full of crayons and paper so if you need some resources please take what you need.

We will then put your rainbow pictures up on the windows for everyone to see.  Be as creative as you like and do it as many times as you like, we will find space for them all.

Lets make LPS bright and colourful for all to see.

Here is my picture that Lily made a few weeks ago for our house.

Remember to stay in touch- we just want to know that all our families are safe and well.

It’s the weekend, I hope that you all have a lovely, relaxing time.

Mrs Menmuir   

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