Good Morning Thursday 30th April 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2b

I hope you enjoyed reading and writing poems yesterday. I have been out lots of walks and on these I noticed lots of shadows. I thought you might like to have some fun learning about shadows and making shadow pictures.


I have found a you tube link to help you learn about shadows and some ideas to use  your own toys to help make some shadow drawings. If you have time I would love to see these and share them on twitter.

I found this poem about shadows mabye you can make some actions to go with it and perform it to your family.

Lets Play Shadows Poem

Lets play shadows in the sun

I can make my shadow run!

I can make my shadow crouch down small

Or reach up, very, very tall

I can make my shadow jump around

Or do patterns on the ground

My shadow is weary, see him creep,

Slowly curl up, go to sleep.


Below are some ideas to use some toys to make shadow pictures.



Have fun using shadows!

Mrs Boyle

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