Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 14th May 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B                                                            ,

I hope you are all well. I have enjoyed looking at all your lovely work. Keep sending it to myself or Mrs Mills so we can share in your learning.

Today we are continuing to work on 2D shapes and homes around the world. I have also been thinking about how we might be feeling just now. We might be feeling a bit worried about lots of things. Worry is a totally normal part of life. Worry can even keep us safe but worrying too much can stop us from doing things.

I found a good story about a little girl called Ruby who has a lot of worries.  Listen to the story then you can have a chat to someone in your family about any worries you may have. It helps to talk.


If we are worried we can talk to someone, find time to do some yoga and singing songs help.

I have found a Pokeman yoga you might like to join in with. Listen for the secret code word.

When I am worried I listen to music and sing along this always makes me happy and I forget about my worries .Try singing along to this I am sure it will make your family happy too.


I hope you have a fun day.

Mrs Boyle

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