Good afternoon P1! Thursday 21st May 2020


I’m sorry this post is a bit later in the day than normal – I have been having a bit of trouble with my wifi today so I have been trying to sneak online whenever it is running!

I hope that you are all having a lovely week, we’ve been hearing about lots of the amazing things you have been doing at home and we are all really impressed by all your efforts and enthusiasm. Well done!

This afternoon, or whenever you have time, you could practise the words for the colours in French. Here is a nice video to teach you to sing the Rainbow song in French:

Remember that you can use with the log in details that were emailed out to practise French colours. They are in the Beginners section.

Challenge: Can you make a board game to practise your French colours?

Making a Board Game

You will need:

  • plain paper
  • pen or pencil
  • colouring pencils/crayons/pens
  • a dice
  • 2-4 counters


1. Draw the outline of a board game with a start and finish.



2. Colour each square. You may end up with more than one square of each colour!

3. Take turns to throw the dice and move your counter that number of spaces. In order to stay on the square you land on, you have to say the colour in French!

4. The first player to reach the FINISH square wins.

You can make your game more exciting by adding in snakes and ladders, or by adding ‘miss a turn’ squares, etc.

We hope you have fun practising your French colours, good luck!

Your P1 Teachers

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