Friday 24th April 2020

Good morning everybody,

Thank you so much for all your emails, photos and comments this week. I miss you all very much and so I am really enjoying hearing from you and seeing pictures of the fabulous learning and playing you are doing at home, and I am delighted to be able to answer any questions and support you however I can.

I have seen so many examples of your hard work, as well as hearing beautiful stories about the memories you are creating at home during this difficult time; cooking together, creating family quizzes, gardening, treasure hunts, going on walks and enjoying the Spring weather and flowers.

I saw a lovely picture yesterday that I wanted to share – it shows lots of everyday activities that are not only necessary and/or fun, but that contain a great deal of opportunities to learn and develop new skills too. I imagine you probably do lots of these already, so well done!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend – have you got anything nice lined up? I am planning on making a couple of new recipes, so I will let you know after the weekend how they turned out.

Take care and have fun,

Love Mrs Jamieson


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