Primary 2A Friday, 8th May

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you have had a lovely week.  Did any of you decorate a stone?  I took my stones with me when I went a walk yesterday.  I carefully put them along the path where other families will be able to see them.  I hope it brings a smile to their faces!

Today is a day for celebration.  It is the 75th anniversary of the day the Second World War ended in our country.  Many people were presented with different types of medals after the war.

Create your very own medal!

You could design a medal for yourself or for someone in your family.  What could the medal be for?   Think about what you would have on the medal and what colour would it be?  What would the ribbon look like?  You could send me a photo of your medal telling me who it is for and why.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Stay well and safe.

Mrs Herbison

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