P1c Primary Engineers – 17th March

As part of British Science Week we have been revisiting our learning about engineers. We love to build things but this week we have also been learning about designing things too.

Along with lots of other classes in school we are taking part in the Primary Engineers competition which is quite tricky for P1! We have been reading lots of robot stories to help us get some ideas for designing and making our own robots and also thinking about jobs that robots could do to help people.

We worked with a partner to make our robots and could choose whether to use construction materials or junk. Everyone’s model had to include a “button” to turn it on and off!

We drew pictures of our robots and labelled them for the competition. We also had to write a sentence explaining what our robot could do. Here are just a few of them.

Sophia’s mum came into class to tell us all about her job as a civil engineer.  We enjoyed looking at the fantastic photos of the Queensferry Crossing as it was being built and also seeing some real engineers’ plans.  We asked lots of questions.

Thank you very much to Sophia’s mum for leaving her special Health and Safety clothing for us to try on too!