Health and Wellbeing Event

Our whole school Health and Wellbeing Showcase was on Thursday, February 22nd.   The event ran from 1.30pm to 3pm, and also 6-7pm.
The purpose of the event was to show all parents an area of our curriculum from our Improvement Plan.  We wanted all parents to see how this area of the curriculum is embedded across the school and to get a feel for what it looks like at each stage.   It was also an opportunity for our P7s and reps from each class to talk to parents about learning in this area.
We would very much appreciate feedback from parents about this event; whether you attended or not.  If you did attend, you can give us feedback about the value of the event and what could be amended for future planning. Many thanks to those who took the time to write a comment for our Feedback Tree.
If you were unable to attend, we would be really interested in the reasons for this so that we can plan effectively in the future.
All feedback is valuable to us.
Please take a few moments to complete and give us your feedback. Copy and paste link below into your browser to complete.