Happy New Year from P1a!

Miss McDermott and Mrs Smith were delighted to see P1a back safely after the holidays and as ever we have had a busy week!

This term in maths as well as continuing our number work we are also learning about recognising and using money.  We have been talking about how grown ups often use debit cards as opposed to cash so we made our own debit cards for using with our Chip and Pin machine (which was kindly donated by Present Time in Bathgate!) We have been sorting coins and playing lots of games as well trying to make different amounts of money.  This is quite tricky and something we will need to keep practising!

In health and wellbeing our focus for this term is emotions.  We enjoyed listening to a story about Betty and the Yeti and discussing how the Yeti felt and why.  All the classes  in school are learning about the emotions “cogs” and in P1 we are learning about three cogs  in particular.  These are

  • emotion words
  • triggers
  • body sensations

You can see the cogs on our posters which will be in our profiles when we bring them home at the end of January.