Last week of our first term in P1a!

It’s hard to believe that we have now completed our first term in Primary 1 at LPS.  We’ve been doing lots of learning across all curricular areas – here is just a little look at the last week of term!

This week’ s sound was “r”.  We enjoyed reading the story Robot Rumpus and making our own robots for team challenge.  The focus for this week’s challenge was to share resources and we were allowed to swap with each other and to use the swap box! Miss McDermott is very pleased at how well we are working in teams .

Well done to everyone for taking part in Show and Tell this week.  There were lots of interesting things and we were able to practise our talking and listening skills including asking and answering questions.  Two of the most popular items were the space rock and the pea pods – both of which caused lots of excitement for quite different reasons!

We were delighted to be joined by our P6a buddies this week who had chosen some poems to share with us.  (Originally we planned to do this on National Poetry Day which was on the 28 September however there were several other things on in school that day!) In particular we were listening and talking about rhyming words in poems as this is something we have been doing as part of our  literacy learning.

We are just about at the end of our fairy tales topic but we’ve enjoyed doing some drama activities about the Three Little Pigs and have been amazed at how quickly our beanstalks have grown.  We have been very keen to compare the size of them even though they were all planted on the same day! We’ve also been practising our drawing skills – look at these fantastic big bad wolves!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning a lovely autumn song with Mrs McWhirter, our music specialist.  We hope you enjoy watching us perform it!