A quick look at some of the things that P1a have been doing this week!

This week we had a visit from Rob and Gavin from Tiny Tales. They brought along their guitar, fiddle and accordion and everyone enjoyed singing, clapping and dancing to their super Scottish songs and music as well as learning about the instruments.

We have been working very hard practising our fine motor skills.  As you can see in the photographs we concentrated really hard to make these super necklaces as part of our phonics work for the sound ‘n’.  Originally we were supposed to thread nine pieces of straw on to the string ( because nine also begins with ‘n’)  but some of us were enjoying the task so much that Miss McDermott just let us keep going!!

Every day we also practise our pencil control and this also take lots of concentration!

Friday, however, is our Golden Time day and this week lots of us enjoyed the dressing up box.