P1a Update – Monday 28th August

This morning P1a were able to show Miss McDermott who was in class by removing the T shirts that we made with the buddies on Friday from the washing line and putting them in the basket.  Miss McDermott was delighted that everyone was in class again after the weekend!

Today we had an Incy Wincy Spider theme in class.  As well as reading a story about Incy Wincy Spider we sang the song and made our own spiders which were very tricky to cut out!  This week one of the sounds that we are learning is “s” for spider so we had to look for the sound and listen for “s” words in the story. Mrs Bennie has made a giant web just like in the story so that we can display our spiders on the wall.

Here we are enjoying lunch with the buddies!

This afternoon we learned about a little boy called Kipper.  He is in lots of the reading books at Linlithgow Primary School.  We coloured little cards with his picture and his name on to help us remember him. Haven’t we done a good job?!!