Rocking Recorders

The P4 beginners recorder group started 5 weeks ago. The club has 12 budding musicians who meet bright and early every Wednesday morning to discover music and learn how to read musical notes. So far they have already mastered 3 new notes (B, A and G) and lots of new songs. Mrs Cameron is very proud of the group’s enthusiasm and dedication! The group hope to invite friends in P4 to come and watch them play some tunes and duets in a music lesson at the end of term. Watch this space for further updates…

Primary Engineer Young Leader!

Last month P7 and P2 and P2/1 were learning all about engineers and engineering skills. We found out about what engineers do and the process they use to solve problems and design solutions.  As part of this, the pupils identified a problem in today’s world that they wanted to solve and designed a machine to solve it.  These designs were entered into the Primary Engineers Young Leader Award.

After sorting through over 20,000 entries, the experts at Primary Engineers selected Aimee from P7A as a prize winner for her design for a rubbish bin!  She is now on the shortlist for the overall winner from each age group.

The shortlisted entries go on show at Barony Hall, Glasgow on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th June 2017.  Good Luck Aimee!