A very busy Monday in P2/1!

This week we are focusing on non fiction texts in literacy and the children are choosing their own reading books to share at home.

In the morning we learned about different types of non fiction texts and we have a lovely selection of magazines in class which all the groups will have time to read over the week.  Some of the children have suggested we link this to our data handling learning and do a survey of our favourite magazines at the end of the week.  Watch this space!

A few of the children searched the newspapers to look for things that might interest children.  As you can see from these photos, they did not like getting their hands covered in newsprint!

To celebrate British Science Week, we are learning about a different Scottish inventor each day.   As you will know if you read our blog regularly,  we love designing and making things in P2/1 and this week we will be doing some team challenges that have both a design and a farm animal theme.

We have read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and acted it out using puppets and masks.  Today the challenge was to design and make a raft or boat to carry the three Billy Goats Gruff safely across our water tray.   This was not as  easy as it might look as some of the containers that Miss McDermott gave us had holes in them!