Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

June 8, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Puffin’s Festival of Big Dreams

A seven-day online festival in partnership with Waterstones from 8 – 14 June for families to celebrate the power of imagination and Puffin’s 80th birthday – watch on Puffin Facebook and YouTube channels.


Join authors, illustrators and real Puffins for a week of events, travel through Puffin’s 80 year history and get oodles of ideas to keep children dreaming after screen-time. Illustrator in Resdience Nick Sharratt will be drawing your dreams all week.

Watch with your kids, twice a day at 10.30am and 3.30pm for a 20-minute video which will include a creative activity that you can try at home. The festival will culminate in a live weekend extravaganza at 11am on 13 and 14 June.

Download the activity pack here: PuffinFestivalOfBigDreams_EventPack_B

June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

P2 RME-Pesach(Passover)

Good morning Primary 2! Well we are into the last few weeks of term and I can’t believe the school year is almost over.  You are nearly Primary 3!😮😮

Last week we were looking at Shabbat(the Jewish day of rest).  This week we are going to be learning about Pesach (Passover) another Jewish celebration and look at how families celebrate this at home.

Step1 :- We are going to watch the BBC Bitesize clip – KS1 the story of Passover.  This will show you what a family does and through the Passover story, why they do this.


Talk to someone in your house about the video.

Step 2:-  We are going to have a look at a document that tells us all about the Seder Plate.  We will learn in more detail about what is on it and what it means.

seder plate – P2  OR  seder plate – P2

Step 3:- Lastly we have a cut and stick activity to complete.  You have a picture of a seder plate and pictures of the things that go on it.  You need to colour them, cut them out and stick them on the correct place on the plate.  If you aren’t printing your sheet, you can draw the items on some paper and write what they are next to them . If you have any paper plates in your house you could even draw the things onto that.

seder Plate cut and stick -P2



June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

P3 RME – Senses in shabbat

Good Morning! Can you believe that we only have 3 weeks left of school and you are nearly Primary 4!!😮😮 It has been a while since I’ve seen you and I’m so looking forward to seeing your smiling faces again.😊😊

Today we are learning to develop an understanding of some of the Jewish Customs on Shabbat and we are focusing on what senses are used during Shabbat.

What are our senses? Smell, sight hearing, taste and touch. When we are learning about Shabbat today we are going to think about times we need to use our senses and which senses we use. We are going to be learning a bit about the Jewish customs that happen on Shabbat .  Does anyone know what Shabbat is? God made the world in 6 days and he had a rest on the 7th day.(Jewish People call this Shabbat)

It begins on sunset on a Friday and ends at nightfall on a Saturday.  We are going to be watching some video clips about what happens in Shabbat and we are going to be thinking about what things we use our senses for.

Step 1 :-   We are going to watch the BBC Bitesize clip of celebrating Shabbat at home. What things happen that we need to use our senses for? Remember to talk to someone in your house about it if you can,


What senses did you see being used? I saw hearing, taste and sight.

  • Hearing – listening to blessings being made.
  • Tasting – wine or grape juice from the kiddush cup.
  • Tasting – Challah bread(sweet, almost like a cake)
  • Sight – watching the Shabbat candles being lit.

Are Your Shabbat Candles Toxic? - Real Food Kosher


Erez Hammered Kiddush Cup - Kiddush Cups with Stems - Kiddush Cups

How To Make Challah Bread - Recipe | Kitchn

Step 2:- You have a picture showing a family having a Shabbat meal. You  should write hear, taste, smell, see beside the features in the picture that you may recognise from the Shabbat video clip.  You can then colour the picture.

Shabbat meal sheet -P3

June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

P2/1 and P1 RME- Who cares for us at school?

Good morning girls and boys!  I know it has been a long time since we have all seen each other, but please don’t forget that lots of people in our school care about you.  Today we are going to be thinking about just that! Who are the people who care about you and help you in school?

Step 1:- Take a few minutes to think about this and talk to someone in your house about it.  Try to write down who the people are. I wonder if you managed to remember them all. I thought of :-

  1. The Class Teachers
  2. The Managment team(Head teacher, Depute head and Principal teachers)
  3. RME, Music, PE, Dance and drama teachers
  4. Support Assistants
  5. Office Staff
  6. Janitor
  7. Cleaners
  8. Kitchen Staff
  9. Older Children

Did you think of any one else?

Step 2:- Now have a think about what they do for you?  Talk to someone in your house about this. eg. Miss Anderson(Support assistant)- helps with my reading, looks after me in the playground, helps me in the dinner hall and takes care of me if I fall in the playground.

Step 3:- Look at the attached sheet.  Choose 4 different people in the school who help you and draw them in the boxes.  Write underneath them who they are.  If you want to work even harder you could also write what they do for you.  If you don’t have a printed sheet you can draw and write about the people on a piece of paper.


Step 4:-  Lastly just have a wee think about what you could do to help any of them.


June 8, 2020
by Miss Barclay

Primary 4 Learning 08.06.20

Morning everyone!

I can’t quite believe we are almost at the end of term. Miss Hanlon and I are missing you all so much! Please check in using our Teams page as it is lovely hearing from some of you! Here is your learning grid and activities for this week.

P4 Learning Grid 8.6.20


Spelling: Spelling Activity Grid 8.6.20      Spelling t and ch. W.B 8.6.20.

Handwriting: Unit 17 – ch 8.6.20

Reading: Summer Solstice Comprehension Answers     Summer Solstice Comprehension

Writing: Recount Planning Sheet    Speech Marks Assessment Targets    Speech Marks Assignment 4 READ ME FIRST


Mystery at Dragonspire Castle Answers       Mystery at Dragonspire Castle

Health & Wellbeing:

Physical Exercise Assignment

5 minute move workout cards

Create your own obstacle course

Exercise Diary

P.E Fitness Cards

 Roll and exercise dice 


Big Outdoor Art Ideas

French Parts of a House Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldp7KTe_qpc

French Parts of a house activity sheet         French Parts of a house snap game

Have a lovely week!

June 8, 2020
by Mrs McDermott

P6 Learning Grid wb 8th June

Good morning P6 🌻, how are you all getting on? Only 3 weeks until the summer holidays so lets keep the learning going! Well done for all of your hard work and effort so far 💪. Part of this weeks’ learning involves you debating your thoughts and opinions on a very important subject that has been in the news. We hope to see more of you using the collaboration channel on Teams to do this. Even when schools return in August we will continue to use Teams, so the more practice you get to use it now to support your learning, the easier next year will be for you.

As usual, you will find all of the resources you need for this weeks’ tasks below:

P6 Learning Grid 8th June


Mild Martin Luther King Comprehension

Spicy Martin Luther King Comprehension

Hot Martin Luther King Comprehension

Martin Luther King PowerPoint

Writing – Debate

Racism on Your Bus Debate PowerPoint

Racism on Your Bus – Create a Poster

Racism on Your Bus Questions


Embrace Our Differences PowerPoint

We are all different

Spot the difference

Additional Activities

5 Minute Boredom Busters

June 8, 2020
by Miss Buchanan
1 Comment

Primary 3 Week 10

Good morning Primary 3!

I hope you have had a wonderful weekend and are ready for another week full of learning and fun 🙂
I have been planning my weekends with the help of my dog Otter to explore all around where I live in Edinburgh.

Below are the links for this weeks learning grid along with any worksheets and PowerPoint you will need.
Please remember that you can send any work you would like to share with myself or Mrs Russell at: wlharrysmuir-ps-primary3@westlothian.org.uk

Missing you all!
Please don’t hesitate to comment or post any questions below.

Miss Buchanan & Mrs Russell

First Level Learning Grid Week 10

Spelling Words Week 10 mb and ock

Spelling Bingo Challenge / Spelling-Bingo-Challenge (PDF)

3D shape ppt

3d_shape_properties worksheet

June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

Writing Activities for Week Beginning 8th June

Good Morning P.4! I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend?

We’ll be continuing to use Pobble365 for the next few weeks.

Firstly, go to the website: https://www.pobble365.com/

There’s a different image every day, along with various activities. Use the right and left arrows to scroll through the different pictures. Choose either the Without Gravity (June 7th), or The Old Railroad (June 8th) picture. Then click the down arrow to go to the activities.


Question Time – find an adult or older sibling to discuss the questions. No writing necessary for this task, it’s just to get you thinking.

Sentence Challenge – Follow the instructions for the task, writing your answers down on a piece of paper or in a jotter.

Sick Sentence – Read the sentence. You’ll notice the the nouns don’t have adjectives, and the verbs don’t have adverbs. Rewrite the sentence and up-level it by adding an adjective for each noun, and an adverb for each verb.

Challenge – If you’d like an additional challenge you could try using the Story Starter and continue writing the rest of the story!

The whole task, picture and questions, is attached as a document so that it’s easier to print out if you prefer.

Happy writing!

Mrs Black

The Old Railroad

Without Gravity

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