Please click on the link below to view our September Newsletter 2020
2020_September Newsletter
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We hope you are all doing well and received our email on Friday from Miss Kelly & Mrs Ola detailing how we are changing our provision to adhere to our new ELC guidance in relation to Covid19 and the return to our ELC setting.
If you did not receive this email please contact us asap. &
Please use the arrows below to view some of the changes to our nursery set up and setting via Sway presentation.
Hello everyone,
We hope you are all doing well and looking forward to returning or starting Bathgate Early Years Centre soon. We have been missing you all.
Please take a look at Miss Collins and Harry the Hedgehog showing you around some of the areas at BEYC. Which area are you looking forward to playing in?
Hi everyone
We hope you are all doing well 🙂
When the weather is nice, we are more likely to go for walks and bicycle trips as well as for various outdoor activities to keep us healthy. This opportunity is also great to develop Road safety awareness . We would like to share this useful website where you find all interactive flipbook can be used to teach you child/ ren how to stay safe on the road .
Please click on the link below .
Thank you
Nursery Team 🙂
Hello everyone .
Did you know that 475 pieces of litter are dropped every minute in Scotland? We are really good at putting our litter in the bin at BEYC as we know it is not safe or good for the environment. Have you noticed any litter when on a walk with your family? We NEED YOU to help but not by picking up the litter but by taking part in a litter survey on your next walk.
All you need to do is either count all the pieces of litter you see and write them down as tally marks on a piece of paper. Alternatively you can use the survey sheet attached to tick each time you see a certain type of litter.
KEEP SCOTLAND BEAUTIFUL say if we know how, where and what types of litter are causing a problem in our community, we then have a better idea of how to fix the problem.
Taking part in a litter survey is a great way for people of all ages to enjoy some exercise while making a real, visible difference to the environment at the same time.
Make sure you’re following government guidelines on social distancing.
You will need:
Please share your results with us with
hashtag #EcoSchoolsAtHome
We have been so thankful during this time that we can stay connected by using a range of technology but as always we emphasis the key message of using these devices responsibly and safely especially when your child is online.
Please have a look at this ThinkUKnow article with lots of information on the benefits of young children using technology and tips on how to support them.
During this time we will continue to share useful online safety activities and try at home activities in the meantime please have a look at these websites for helpful online information and tips covering a range of ages…
www.Childnet 3-7 Year old resources
Hello everyone 🙂
Everyone knows that Harry really likes ” The Very Hungry Caterpillar ” story. Last week, While listening the Very Hungry Caterpillar story and looking at the pictures Harry commented on which food on which food he really liked to eat.
This week, Harry felt inspired by listening to the next part of the story……
‘‘Now he wasn’t hungry any more ,and he wasn’t a little caterpillar any more.He was a big ,fat caterpillar. He built a small house ,called a cocoon .’‘
So Harry decided to build a small house / den, just like the caterpillar built its small house called the cocoon. Together with Miss Collins Harry built beautiful den using blankets and sheets.
Try at home challenge ...
So do you also want to take the challenge, and how Harry build his own indoor or outdoor den /house ?
Building dens enable children to develop and strengthen their creative skills, deciding on not only structure but appearance too. You can offer a range of materials and tools to support their decision making and creative thinking. This activity enables children the space and time to create something individual to themselves and spark their imagination. Resources such as blankets, sheets, wooden pegs, boxes or ribbon can be used to create dens. Building activities will support gross and fine motor skills, whilst developing good hand-eye coordination.
Please share your den building journey with your nursery friends by sending us photos, videos.
Good luck everyone 🙂
Nursery Team
Hello everyone .
We all hope you are well 🙂
Who remembers Nycos music sessions with Mrs Ola, Miss Toner and Mrs. Collins? We sang different songs, nursery rhymes and played different games, we used various resources that helped in developing new skills, e.g. rhyming skills, syllables, developing listening skills, developing independent thinking and many other skills. We know how much fun this session gave you and that’s why we wanted to share with you Nycos Active Learning lessons.
That you can enjoy at home too 🙂
Please click on the link below .
Have fun everyone
Nursery Team .
Please use the arrows below to navigate through the sway to view a fantastic song and dance from Miss Collins and a story all about a very brave caterpillar read by Miss Kelly. After you have watched the videos you may wish to take part in the try at home minibeast hunt activity.
It was a very rainy day so after a short hunt in the garden Harry the Hedgehog then completed the minibeast hunt using the Adventure by Jess YouTube videos indoors.
Hello to all of our pre-school children,
Transitioning to Primary 1 is such a exciting milestone in your journey and we are looking forward to supporting you all during this. We have collaborated with staff from Bathgate West Nursery School to create this sway filled with lots of information and activities to help support your transition. Please continue to check you inbox for weekly updates and PEEP activities from Mrs Ola.
If you have any concerns, problems or questions about your child’s transition to Primary 1 please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Kelly ( and I will get back to you asap.