NHS Lothian has alerted all schools about an increased number of cases and outbreaks of measles in England and Europe which increases the risk of infection spreading in Scotland. Immunisation with the MMR vaccine is the safest way to protect yourself and your family against measles, mumps and rubella. In February, NHS Lothian will write to all parents/carers of school aged children who have not yet had two doses of the MMR vaccine. Parents/carers are urged to book an appointment for their child to receive their MMR vaccine by calling the NHS Lothian Vaccination Helpline on 0300 790 6296. Parents/carers can gain further information on measles, including signs and symptoms to look out for, by accessing NHS Inform https://www.nhsinform.scot/campaigns/mmr-againstmeasles
Author: Mrs Burns
Communication Questionnaire
Dear Parent/Carer,
Our newly formed Parent Council would like your views on how you would like the School and Parent Council to communicate with you. We will use this information to plan a Communication Strategy and set dates for sharing information. This will remain on the Blog until Sunday 17th December, when the responses will be collated and used to plan the strategy. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas.
December Events Reminder
Dear Parent/Carer,
December is a really busy time and we have many events going on as we head towards Christmas. We thought it would be helpful to give you a list of these events in date order. Please see the link below.
Parish newsletter 10th September 23
Newsletter page 1
Autumn Newsletter page 2
Traffic Safety
Conversation Cafe Invitation
Parish Newsletter
Children’s Hospital in Edinburgh’s study of the impact of salt water nasal sprays on fighting colds
Dear parent/carer,
Recently, we published evidence that nasal irrigation with salt water helped reduce the cold in adults. We have also shown the mechanism for how salt water helps with the common cold when applied on the nasal epithelium. Our research showed that cells use the chloride from the salt water to fight viral infections. Hence, we are now testing if salt water nose drops helps children fight the cold.
If you have a child under 7 years of age, you may be able to join the fight.
The Children’s Hospital in Edinburgh are doing a study of salt water nose drops to see if it helps get rid of the cold faster.
Your child does not need to have a cold right now to take part!
You can join right now by calling/texting 07973657457 for an appointment to sign up and to be taught what to do the next time your child has a cold.
Your child does not need to attend.
Families completing the study will receive travel expenses and a £30 voucher to compensate for any inconvenience.
Further information is in the attached flyer or at www.elviskids.co.uk ; Twitter: @elviskids; Facebook: Elvis Kids.
Kind regards
Pamela Bestwick
Education – Head of Service Support
Telephone number – 01506 282888