The p6/5 classroom had a lovely Christmas spice aroma after making our Christmas callenigs this week. We found out about callenigs when opening our online advent calendar which shows Christmas traditions from different countries around the world. Callenigs are a traditional new year gift in Wales and P6/5 decided they wanted to try and make them. The base is an apple and you then use cocktail sticks to create legs and decorate with cloves and cinnamon. They look good and smell amazing!
Tag Archives: RME
Harvest with P 3/2
We have been enjoying learning about the Christian harvest festival. We took notes from a story about a special apple that was taken to church for a harvest festival. From there we looked at the life cycle of an apple and then decided to create apple crumble so we could enjoy it. We had fun making it.
The Last Supper in P3 and P4/3
P3 and P4/3 were learning about the symbols of Easter yesterday. The discussed the Last Supper and thought about what it meant. They then thought about what they would like to eat and who they would like to have with them if it was their own last supper. Pupils painted their own version of their last supper.