Tag Archives: Rights Respecting

P6 two stars and a wish

This week in P6 we have enjoyed learning more about Civil Rights and have even written our own I Have a Dream speeches. We have continued our art project with Mr Laughlin and have added instruments to our song practice. During Literacy Circles we had an amazing four purple cards given out to Jenna, Rory, Logan and Jake who all created amazing creations for their Creative Captain homework!

Star – Creating our French colourful rainbows.

Star – Writing our own I Have a Dream speeches.

Wish – We wish that next week we behave better and are a happier class with no lost golden time!


Rights Respecting Schools Event 2016

The Rights Respecting Schools Group organised an information event for staff, parents and members of the community.  The purpose of the event was to inform and involve all different members of the school community about the rights work being carried out.  The pupils led the event by presenting a power point and asking questions about Children’s rights.  They went on to work alongside the adults to come up with different ways the children at Boghall Primary School get their rights in school and in the community.  Fairtrade tea, coffee and goodies were served as a special treat to those who attended.

The event was well attended and a great success!  Well done to the RRS group for all their hard work!  A big thank you to those who attended and for your positive feedback on our event.


Here are the Right Respecting Group welcoming everyone to their event.


As you can see, the event was well attended

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The adults had some great ideas about how children get their rights in Boghall Primary and in the community.img_3450                img_3452img_3456

The children in the RRS group were great at helping the adults with some ideas!img_3459                       img_3463


P6 three stars and a wish

This week we have enjoyed starting Literacy Circles especially getting our new books and deciding homework penalties! We have made our class charter  – after a vote Pokemon won! We have agreed on what Miss Potter will do and what we will do in our class to ensure we all get our rights.


Star – Maths with Mr Laughlin on Tuesday – he taught us excellent mental math tactics!

Star – Creating our Internet Safety leaflets using the Think You Know website.

Star – PE with Mrs Lloyd – especially corner football!

Wish – More ICT time in class.

GMBTV Final Broadcast for this session

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The GMBTV team (Good Morning Boghall TV) had their final broadcast last week but don’t worry they will be back in August for their weekly Glow Meets in Boghall Primary School.  The GMBTV team help to give pupils and staff reliable information.  Last week’s programme had all the usual features including school and community news.  The programme also gave viewers the chance to meet the GMBTV team!

P6/5 Class Charter

P6/5 have been busy this week creating their class charter. We worked as a team to decide on the most relevant UNCRC articles for school and then brainstormed what the pupils will do and what the teacher will do to ensure that these rights are always respected. The pupils decided on a sports theme and have called it the P6/5 Dream Team. The charter is displayed in class and can be referred to at any time.

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A visit from Mrs Kerwin

IMG_3685IMG_3700IMG_3701 - CopyIMG_3707IMG_3708IMG_3709IMG_3710IMG_3711 The pupils of P5 were delighted to have a visit from Mrs Kerwin, the Chairperson of the Bathgate Cran-Gevrier Twinning Association. Mrs Kerwin provided lots of information about the twinning organisation and pupils enjoyed looking at brochures from Cran-Gevrier.  The following week, they enjoyed some tasty French food as part of their French lesson. Bon Appetit!