Tag Archives: Health and wellbeing

Road Safety Week

As part of Road Safety Week, the Junior Road Safety Officers ran a competition for each class in the school.  The tasks were differentiated throughout the school and all pupils were asked to participate.  The quality of the work was outstanding and the JRSO’s found it difficult to judge.  Below are some of the winning pictures. Well done to everyone who took part and also to the winners.

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Safety Scenarios in P4/3

As part of health and wellbeing, P4/3 were thinking about safety in different situations today. In groups they had to role play making good choices, wrong choices or difficult choices in a range of different situations. We discussed choices about crossing the road, playing with matches and eating and drinking unknown substances. Each group made the choice of how to act out the scene which led to some excellent discussion about what could happen. We will continue next week with some more situations.

A Field of Poppies

Last week Primary 3 took notes from the Poppy Scotland website during writing time. This activity helped them appreciate the significance of the poppy.  During an expressive arts lesson they recreated their own fields of poppies using a dabbing technique with their paintbrushes.  Their finished pictures were fantastic.

Roots of Empathy – Primary 3A

Primary 3A are currently enjoying the Roots of Empathy programme.  They have had visits from Baby Jack since last year and have watched him grow.  Every three weeks they enjoy seeing what new things he is able to do.He is a very happy baby and loves when the children pay him attention and sing to him.   There is always great excitement in the class when they know it is visit day.  Roots of Empathy is a programme devised for primary children which allows them to develop their awareness of the needs of a baby.  They have enjoyed learning about sleep patterns, communication and mood.

Braw Breakfast with P7/6

Pupils in Primary 7/6 at Boghall Primary School took part in the annual ‘Braw Breakfast’ competition, organised by The Royal Highland Educational Trust. The aim of their Farmhouse Breakfast Week campaign is to raise awareness of the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast and show children the variety of options available to them, grown here in Scotland. The competition was to compose a poem in the style of Robert Burns’ infamous ‘address to a haggis’, celebrating their own favourite breakfast dish and how it “shakes up your wake up!”
There were many entries from schools across Scotland, with Katie Coyle from P7/6 at Boghall Primary School being named the winner! As a prize for winning, Katie and her classmates were treated to a huge Scottish breakfast! To begin their braw morning, the children took part in a workshop where they had to identify different Scottish breakfast items and how they are manufactured from farm to shop. After bowls of Scottish porridge, bananas, strawberries and grapes, they tucked into bacon rolls, scrambled eggs and black pudding!  Honey was the top choice of toppings with added toast on the side. To follow that they polished off oatcakes and cheese and yet more grapes and strawberries, all washed down with freshly pressed apple juice. To top it off, there was an award ceremony for Katie to receive her certificate and read her winning entry, ‘Tae a roll oan sausage’. Their class teachers Zoe Armstrong and Ray McGregor said, “Everybody thoroughly enjoyed their Scottish breakfast,
kindly prepared by Karen Valentine and staff from RHET. There certainly wasn’t much lunch eaten in the dinner hall from P7/6 that day!”