Tag Archives: Expressive Arts

P3A TVs of the Future

After learning about the inventor of the television, John Logie Baird, P3A were set the challenge of working in teams to produce a TV of the future!  They had to work collaboratively to build a 3D model and use their imagination to think of special features TVs might have in the future.  There were lots of creative ideas! 

Primary 6 – Screen Printing week 3!

Wow what a week! We were given a design challenge to create stain-glass window style art using the stencils that Bernie had ready for us. We could figure out they were letters but were not sure what we were going to spell…. after a lot of hard work (and mess!) we all peeled back the tape to find we had the letters to spell B O G H A L L. We carefully carried these outside and tied them to the fence, then stood back to look at what we had created! Thanks again Bernie, Fran, Patrick and Chris!


Primary 6 – Screen Printing Week 2!

Week 2 with Patrick, Chris, Fran and Bernie was excellent!

We looked at pictures of Street Art and discussed why some people call it Street Art while others say it is Graffiti – very interesting ideas and opinions! Bernie showed us some of his art that he creates using stencils which was very intricate and complicated to create. He also took us outside for a demonstration of how you layer the different stencils and colours to create an image – the picture he created he gifted to our class which is amazing! Next we created our own alphabet stencils and had fun experimenting with colour and shape as we layered our stencils on our own master pieces. Lastly we collaborated on a large class stencil which we will finish next week…. What a busy and fun filled day!

P6 two stars and a wish

This week in P6 we have enjoyed learning more about Civil Rights and have even written our own I Have a Dream speeches. We have continued our art project with Mr Laughlin and have added instruments to our song practice. During Literacy Circles we had an amazing four purple cards given out to Jenna, Rory, Logan and Jake who all created amazing creations for their Creative Captain homework!

Star – Creating our French colourful rainbows.

Star – Writing our own I Have a Dream speeches.

Wish – We wish that next week we behave better and are a happier class with no lost golden time!