Tag Archives: Ex Arts

Christmas Callenigs

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The p6/5 classroom had a lovely Christmas spice aroma after making our Christmas callenigs this week. We found out about callenigs when opening our online advent calendar which shows Christmas traditions from different countries around the world. Callenigs are a traditional new year gift in Wales and P6/5 decided they wanted to try and make them. The base is an apple and you then use cocktail sticks to create legs and decorate with cloves and cinnamon. They look good and smell amazing!

Roman Fashion Design in P3 and P4/3

044 042 041 039 036 034 033 029 024 016 012 010 008 P3 and P4/3 were given the challenge to design and make a pair of Roman sandals that would fit a member of their group. After looking carefully at the design of Roman sandals they had to choose their material and then work out how to make their sandal. All teams created a pair of sandals that stayed on and the majority of teams made sandals that fitted the team member it was supposed to fit. Judging from the designs there are definitely some budding fashion designers of the future at work here!

Roman Shields and Helmets in P3 and P4/3

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002P3 and P4/3 have been extremely busy this week making equipment for Roman soldiers. They learned about the differences between Celts and Romans then had to design their own shields. The shields had to use Roman colours, have arrows, a centre gold piece to protect their hands and be symmetrical. Then we used silver and gold to create our own Roman soldier helmets.



Primary 3 have just started their new topic on the Romans.  They have looked at how Rome got its name through the story of Romulus and Remus.  They have also found out that Rome is built on seven hills.  They created paper mache models of the seven hills and the River Tiber and painted them.  They think they look very effective.


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P4’s bird’s eye view snowmen

In the run up to Christmas we have been doing lots of Christmas themed rt activities.  One of the activities was using shapes and texture to create birds-eye view snowmen.  We used concentric circles and smudged pastel to make it look like we were looking at the snowmen from above.  The end result was really effective!

Wild About Scotland Bus

P4/3, P4 and P5 were learning all about Scottish wildlife last week. All P4 and P5 had the chance to go on the wild about Scotland bus where they were finding out about beavers and Scottish wildcats. The bus is an initiative run by Clydesdale Bank and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. Staff from the zoo were on the bus to teach pupils all about native wildlife. They learned about different habitats, compared fur and paw prints and tried to build an effective dam. While not on the bus, other groups were doing activities such as creating labelled drawings of beavers and drawing beaver habitats.

A Field of Poppies

Last week Primary 3 took notes from the Poppy Scotland website during writing time. This activity helped them appreciate the significance of the poppy.  During an expressive arts lesson they recreated their own fields of poppies using a dabbing technique with their paintbrushes.  Their finished pictures were fantastic.