Category Archives: Uncategorized

BBC Bitesize Live Lessons

We are very impressed with, and would highly recommend a visit to BBC Bitesize and their fantastic Home Learning activities.  All you need to do is click on the suitable age or stage of your child and you will be directed to a huge range of lessons.  They are doing 3 live lessons a day, complete with appearances from some famous faces.  Just click on the attached link to go straight there.



Boghall’s Big Birthday!

Friday was such a fantastic day celebrating Boghall Primary’s 60th Birthday. We held an open morning at the school where everyone was welcome to come along and see how much the school has changed over the years. It was great to see so many former pupils, parents and staff members reminiscing about their time here. Our current staff and pupils learned so much from all the stories of Boghall Primary through the decades! Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to come along. It was a great day!

Bathgate Netball Champions 2018!

Well done to our Netball team who won the Bathgate schools festival yesterday. Not only did they win the overall trophy for the Bathgate League, but they also walked away with the Newlands trophy for winning the festival on the day.

Mrs Williamson, Mrs Seawright and Miss Armstrong are super proud of the determination, resilience and team work that was on display yesterday. Netball really is a team effort and we couldn’t have won without the effort of everybody.

Next up…the West Lothian Netball Festival on the 23rd of May. Wish us luck…

Lunch in the sun!

Finally the sun is out and the builders are away which means we can go back to enjoying our lunch outside on the picnic tables.

Following on from an assembly all about our rights last session, we discussed the option of eating outside at Whole School Time.

Article 12 of the UNCRC says that we have the right to an opinion and that adults should listen and and take it seriously and as a result, we now have the choice to eat in or outdoors.

Hopefully this sun will stick around for a wee while longer!



Gala Day Float Club

Thanks to those who have given up their time to help at the Gala day float clubs after school. The boys and girls have been working really hard to make some excellent props and designs to help decorate this year’s float on the theme of ‘Home’. I’m sure it’s going to look great!

Gala Day Costumes

It’s getting closer…

Thanks to everyone who has helped make models, banners and pictures for our float this year on the theme of ‘Home’. All entries should be given to Miss Armstrong by Monday 30th April.

The boys and girls were shown the costumes for this year’s theme and letters will be sent home today to order yours by Wednesday 9th May. Here are a few images of what they costume includes…