Category Archives: Primary 6

Digiweek- Boghall shares how they use digital technology to enhance learning.

A new National Digital Learning Week is taking place this week from 2nd to the  6th March. This is to encourage schools to get involved and share how they are using digital technologies to support learning in the classroom and at home.Digi-week wants to encourage everyone in school to have a go with digital technologies!We love technology in Boghall Primary and are always trying new and exciting things.

We had a special visit in school today from West Lothian Council’s Education Head of Service Mr Jim Cameron, John Low (IT services- education development officer) and John Sexton and Pam McDowall from Glow @ Education Scotland. We shared how we use digital technology in our learning from using Ipods at Stirling Castle, using powtoons, spreadsheets and cameras in Business enterprise to applying for jobs in the technical team.

Pupils from P3 and P4/3 ran a glow meet broadcast to the whole school via glow and pupils from P3-P7 took part in a Question and answer session with our visitors. Our visitors also got to see our chicks (There are 7 and counting!) Blair and Katie from P7 also shared how they used digital technology in their Civil Rights Class talks.

Our visitors were interested and very impressed with what we have been doing and will be sharing what they saw on the digiweek blog. Log in to glow to find out more.

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Rights Respecting Work

As part of our continuing work as a level two Rights Respecting School, our two pupil assessors spoke to the whole school.  This term all pupils are being asked their opinions on new charters for the dinner hall and playground.   Dinner hall and playground staff will also be consulted about these charters as it is important that we all agree on what we should do to help keep everyone happy, healthy and safe.

The photographs show some primary 6 and 7 pupils working together to decide on relevant articles for the playground charter and our pupil assessors speaking at assembly.

Netball Masterclass

All pupils at Boghall took part in different masterclasses yesterday. These pupils were enjoying taking part in netball. They watched some videos on the rules and how to play, then they designed their own sports strip. They then played some games and finally we had a mini tournament. All pupils seemed to enjoy themselves and well done to Arran Marr and Lewis Flockhart who were named the star players on the day.

Business Enterprise Skills with P6

Primary 6 pupils at Boghall Primary School have been developing their Business enterprise skills. Chris Clayton from “Grey Matters” is a management consultant who visited Boghall Primary to work with Primary 6 pupils to develop their enterprise and employability skills such as collaboration, higher order thinking skills, communication and decision making skills. Chris has worked with many businesses such as Liverpool FC, NHS and Local Authorities, this being his first experience with primary school children.

The pupils were set a business challenge where they were given a “bad” business and their aim was to work as a team and use their enterprise and employability skills to improve the business. Pupils had to find ways to make the business more productive by finding ways to improve it. Improvements involved negotiating deals, choosing to spend money on equipment or staff, reducing waiting time for customers and making the business run more efficiently.  The challenge lasted four hours and the winning team successfully improved the business and made a profit of £3250.

After working with the children, Chris said, “I was very impressed with the pupils’ ability to ‘think outside the box’. It was very clear that the children had previous experience of working in this way. They were very creative and all groups were able to apply their skills to improve the business. The children performed better in the challenge than some of the adults I have worked with before!”

Boghall Primary has a strong emphasis on developing skills for life. Teachers Lynsey O’Neill and Zoe Armstrong said “It was great to watch them in action applying their skills which as a school we have worked hard to develop through our school enterprise programme.”

Braw Breakfast with P7/6

Pupils in Primary 7/6 at Boghall Primary School took part in the annual ‘Braw Breakfast’ competition, organised by The Royal Highland Educational Trust. The aim of their Farmhouse Breakfast Week campaign is to raise awareness of the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast and show children the variety of options available to them, grown here in Scotland. The competition was to compose a poem in the style of Robert Burns’ infamous ‘address to a haggis’, celebrating their own favourite breakfast dish and how it “shakes up your wake up!”
There were many entries from schools across Scotland, with Katie Coyle from P7/6 at Boghall Primary School being named the winner! As a prize for winning, Katie and her classmates were treated to a huge Scottish breakfast! To begin their braw morning, the children took part in a workshop where they had to identify different Scottish breakfast items and how they are manufactured from farm to shop. After bowls of Scottish porridge, bananas, strawberries and grapes, they tucked into bacon rolls, scrambled eggs and black pudding!  Honey was the top choice of toppings with added toast on the side. To follow that they polished off oatcakes and cheese and yet more grapes and strawberries, all washed down with freshly pressed apple juice. To top it off, there was an award ceremony for Katie to receive her certificate and read her winning entry, ‘Tae a roll oan sausage’. Their class teachers Zoe Armstrong and Ray McGregor said, “Everybody thoroughly enjoyed their Scottish breakfast,
kindly prepared by Karen Valentine and staff from RHET. There certainly wasn’t much lunch eaten in the dinner hall from P7/6 that day!”