Category Archives: Primary 6

Challenge Friday

All classes from P5 to P7 are taking part in Challenge Friday this year. They compete in their classes to complete different problem solving challenges each week. There is then a winning team from each class and an overall winner each week. Points are being kept and a league table is displayed with the winning points each week. Challenges so far have included creating a tower with spaghetti and marshmallows, building a strong bridge from newspaper and paper clips and creating a cup pyramid using only a ‘cup mover’.

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P7/6 Class Charter

Primary 7/6 have also been busy designing and creating their class charter in line with the Rights of the Child in the UNCRC. To link with our Interdisciplinary theme, we chose a detective theme and worked in groups to design our charter. We also worked with a partner to read the articles of the UNCRC and had a vote to decide which articles suited our classroom the best. As a class, we then decided on what the teacher and the pupils will do in order to make sure everyone has their rights. The contract was agreed and signed by everyone in P7/6 and is displayed in our classroom for everyone to see.


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P6/5 Class Charter

P6/5 have been busy this week creating their class charter. We worked as a team to decide on the most relevant UNCRC articles for school and then brainstormed what the pupils will do and what the teacher will do to ensure that these rights are always respected. The pupils decided on a sports theme and have called it the P6/5 Dream Team. The charter is displayed in class and can be referred to at any time.

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P7/6 erupt volcanoes!

P7/6 finished making their volcanoes and painted them to make them look realistic. We then completed the ‘mentos and diet coke’ challenge to make our volcanoes erupt!

A bottle of diet coke is full of carbon dioxide (the bubbles). The bubbles stay suspended in the liquid until the bottle is opened. When mentos are dropped into a bottle of diet coke, it forms lots and lots of bubbles on the surface of the cola. When all of this gas is released it forces the liquid up and out of the bottle in a giant whooshing eruption of sticky soda, just like a volcano does!

We do not recommend you try this at home without adult supervision!

Primary 7/6 were so excited to watch our volcanoes erupt! Have a look at our pictures to see what happened…

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