Category Archives: Primary 6

Wicked Whispers

As part of challenge Friday, P5,6,7 had to play a game of Chinese whispers. They had to work in teams of 4/5 to draw a Halloween themed picture. Only one person in the group was given the original image and they had to pass on their instructions by whispering to each team member with one person drawing. It was a real challenge!


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P6/5 are electric!

P6/5 have been really excited this week learning about electricity. We discussed the different kinds of energy and where it comes from and we created posters showing forms of energy. We then created basic electric circuits. Pupils were then set a challenge to build a potato clock. All groups were successfully able to get an electrical charge which turned the clock on, although there wasn’t enough charge to make them work. Some pupils persevered and experimented with digging out the potato to make it more ‘juicy’ and others tried to coat the copper in different ways. Others challenged themselves to create the largest circuit of fans they could. The whole class became involved and one group managed to create a circuit involving one switch, 5 batteries and 25 fans!

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P6/5 Literacy Circles

P6/5 have been practising the literacy circles roles before beginning their proper circles. This week each pupil was given the task of creative captain. This is a favourite task as all pupils have the opportunity to show their creativity. The homework produced this week included videos, models, drawings, youtube videos, powtoons and news reports. The standard was very high. Well done everyone

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P7/6 Growth Mindsets

Primary 7/6 have been revising how important it is to have a growth mindset. We discussed the differences between a growth and fixed mindset and how having the right attitude can help you to succeed. We then painted self portraits of ourselves in the style of Picasso and wrote growth mindset statements to help us be resilient when we are finding something difficult…


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