Category Archives: Primary 6

Christmas Callenigs

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The p6/5 classroom had a lovely Christmas spice aroma after making our Christmas callenigs this week. We found out about callenigs when opening our online advent calendar which shows Christmas traditions from different countries around the world. Callenigs are a traditional new year gift in Wales and P6/5 decided they wanted to try and make them. The base is an apple and you then use cocktail sticks to create legs and decorate with cloves and cinnamon. They look good and smell amazing!

Christmas Lunch Day

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P6/5 had a lot of fun and looked very Christmassy after making hats for Christmas lunch day. A lot of pupils and staff were wearing Christmas jumpers and they then designed and created their own hats to wear when the Christmas Elf came to conga them to lunch! The designs were very creative, including some beards and antlers!

Getting It Right For Every Child

Getting it right for every child is a Scottish Government led approach which ensures that any organisation working with children and young people provides an environment where they can grow and develop to reach their full potential. Getting it right for every child is core to our visions and values here at Boghall Primary school.

P7/6 – Map Work

Primary 7/6 have been developing their Map skills by locating different features of Scotland, UK and the wider world on a map. They had to draw symbols of key features such as mountain ranges, capital cities, rivers and highest peaks from around the world. They then had to try and name different capital cities. This will help them to identify the countries involved in the Second World War. Here are a few photos of them in action…

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Dalguise Trip 2015

On Friday morning we welcomed P6 and P7 pupils back from Dalguise.  They looked happy …. but tired !

I would like to thank the 3 members of  staff – Mrs Ireland, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Williamson – on behalf of the pupils , parents and school.

As I am sure you understand, without their willingness to leave their homes and families for this time, we would not be able to go.

Many thanks also to staff who organised the ‘Alternative Week’ in week in school – it was great too.

I am looking forward to seeing what they have been up to on Friday at their assembly.