Category Archives: Primary 6

P7 and P7/6 Cooking

As part of our World War Two theme, Primary 7 and Primary 7/6 made delicious apple crumble. We have been learning about Rationing and how certain foods were only available in small quantities. We also found out that many people had allotments to grow their own fruit and vegetables. Each class had 45 minutes to make 4 apple crumbles. There was lots of team work involved. Miss Armstrong was very impressed! Here are some pictures of us in action..


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P7/6 2 Stars and a Wish

1st Star – We had another successful show practice on Thursday and hope it continues.

2nd Star – We enjoyed cooking apple crumble on Wednesday. We have been learning about rationing during WW2 and how many people had their own allotments to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

Wish – To practise the school show scenes on the stage.

Challenge Friday

All pupils from P5, 6 and 7 take part in ‘Challenge Friday’. The aim of challenge Friday is to develop skills for life such as collaboration, problem solving and communication.

This week’s challenge ‘How high can you go?’ was to build the tallest tower using only 5 sheets of paper and a selection of sticking materials. The tower had to stand on its own.

A team from Primary 7 won this week’s challenge with a tower that measured Im 11cm (and 6mm). In second place was a team from Miss Armstrong’s class with 1m 4cm, in third place was a team from Mrs Thacker’s class which measured 1m 4mm and in last place was a team from Mrs Williamson’s class which measured 85cm.

Well done to all the teams who managed to get the tower to stand long enough to be measured! Here are a few snapshots. DSCN0894 DSCN0893 IMG_2987 IMG_2988 IMG_2990

Primary 7/6 2 stars and a wish…

1st star – We loved Philosophy! We all sat in a circle and discussed our opinions on the following questions – ‘Can you pay for a bunch of bananas with a bunch of bananas?’ , ‘If you paint over a window, is it still a window?’ and ‘Are you any less alive when you’re asleep?’. It was very interesting listening to everyone’s opinions!

2nd star – We all got a headteacher award for having a great start to the school show! We managed to sing 3 songs and practised 6 scenes!

wish – to go out for mile a day more often!

Bite Size Information Sessions

We are planning to offer sessions to support Family Learning at home.

To ensure we are offering what is needed we would be grateful if you could complete the survey – link below – to allow us to plan to meet your needs to support your child in learning.

Please follow the link

You will be able to complete this on your phone/tablet/computer.

Many thanks for the information  – we will get back to you soon with our plans.

The Staff @ Boghall