Category Archives: Primary 4

P4/3 Two stars and a wish

1st star   We enjoyed playing handball at P.E. this week.

2nd star  We were delighted when we received a letter from Willy Wonka asking us to help his recruitment team.  We worked in teams to produce posters advertising the skills required to work in the Chocolate Factory.

Wish    We are looking forward to our assembly next week.

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Breakfast Around the World Week

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for our pupils – it is breakfast that gives their brains energy to get going !

Today is Wednesday and as you can see below it is America today at Breakfast Club.

Waffles, muffins and pancakes were disappearing fast !

We have already had France and Germany – still have Scotland to go !


Burn’s Competition 2016



This year’s poetry competition was judged by Mrs Duncan, Chris Galbraith (minister of Boghall Parish church) and Mrs Kathryn Oliver (PT English and Languages at Bathgate Academy).  The standard was very high again and gave the judges a hard time choosing Burn’s winners.  Well done to all who made it to the final and the effort from across the school.  Below is the list of finalists :

2016_01_26 – Burns Finalists