This week it was the turn of P4/3 for the Procession Float After School Club. They all worked very hard and we can’t wait to see the finished product at Bathgate Procession on Saturday 4th June!
Category Archives: Primary 4
P4/3 Two Stars and a wish
1st star – We have enjoyed our ICT lessons this week. We have used the netbooks to create powerpoints, the DSs to stretch our brains, the Glow Meet to share information and the smartboard to help us with fractions.
2nd star – We were very excited to receive letters from some pupils of Renoir Primary School in France .
Wish – We are looking forward to writing letters to the pupils of Renoir Primary School.
P4 – 2 stars and a wish!
First star – We really enjoyed doing our assembly all about France!
Second star – We loved doing PE with Miss Hunter.
Our wish – To play rounders outside!!
P4/3 Two stars and a wish
1st star We really enjoyed performing at this week’s assembly. It was good to share what we have been learning with the whole school.
2nd star We had fun when drawing Dracula’s castle for art. We had to think about line, shape, texture and pattern to create a spooky atmosphere.
Wish We hope that everyone continues to make progress with Maths Minutes and Number of the Day activities.
P4 first week back – two stars and a wish!
First star: Seeing all of our friends again on Monday morning! 🙂
Second star: P.E with Miss Hunter!
Our wish: That we could do P.E with Miss Arkless!
The Pride of Boghall
P4/3 Two stars and a wish
1st star – We enjoyed taking part in the activities for Sports Relief. Well done to the Pupil Council.
2nd star – We liked the P3 assembly all about Ancient Egypt. It was fun doing Just Dance!
Wish – We are looking forward to meeting the chicks.
Sports Relief
We had lots of fun today raising money for Sports Relief and it was a massive success! We raised a whopping £342! There were lots of different sporty activities in the hall including; beat the goalie, score a basket, hoopla and a hula hoop competition. The winner was Jenna-Leigh who lasted over 9 minutes!
Every class also took part in a ‘sporty’ themed Challenge Friday. Some classes played the ‘over and under’ game to see who could make the most passes in 2 minutes. Others tried to throw bean bags into different sized hoops.
Thank you to the Pupil Council for helping organise today’s events and spending their time helping others at the stalls. Also thanks to everyone for their kind donations. The money raised has gone to an excellent cause.
An Alternative Week for the P4s
Last week was an alternative week for the P4s at Boghall Primary. There were lots of exciting activities organised for the P4s who were not attending the school camp at Lowport. We had lots of special visitors and we enjoyed a trip to Tesco where we even got to make and eat our own pizza! We would like to thank everyone who helped to make the week such a success.