Category Archives: Primary 4

P4 two stars and a wish

First star:  We had a go at drawing our own Willy the wimp character, using Anthony Browne’s step by step instructions!

Second star: We also enjoyed doing circuits and dodge ball with Miss Hunter in P.E!

Our wish:  To do some healthy cooking!!

P4 two stars and a wish!

First star:  We loved doing our talent show auditions. Well done to everyone who auditioned and got through to the final show! 🙂

Second star:  We have really enjoyed learning about vertical multiplication and doing a mild, spicy and hot challenge!

Our wish:  To do cooking!!

P4 two stars and a wish!

First star:  We really enjoyed having Aaron and Ethan from P7 come to do an  Art lesson with us.  Thank you!  🙂



Second star:  We were making the most of the beautiful weather this week and went outside to make nature bracelets. They looked lovely!

IMG_0803[1] IMG_0797[1]

Our wish:  To play more rounders next week!!


P4 two stars and a wish!

First star:  We really enjoyed doing more circuit work in P.E!

Second star:  We also loved Mr Glancy and P2’s assembly this morning – it was really amazing – well done! 🙂

Wish:  We hope we get Miss Arkless again in P5! (Children’s idea – not Miss Arkless’!)

P4 two stars and a wish!

First star:  We loved taking part in our school sports day and we are so glad the sun was shining!!

Second star:  We also got a big surprise during Whole School Time when Miss Arkless brought in the Easter chicks for us to see!  They have got so big!

Our wish:  To see the chicks again!!

P4 stars and a wish!

First star – We have been learning about inheritance.  On Thursday afternoon, we got to create our own imaginary creatures – a mum, dad and offspring.  We got to decide which characteristics the offspring inherited from each parent! We really got to use our imagination! 🙂

Second star – We also really enjoyed doing javelin in P.E with Miss Hunter!

Our wish – For everyone to have a nice long weekend.