Category Archives: Primary 4

P4 two stars and a wish!

First star:  We were pleased to have Miss Arkless back on Thursday and we are also pleased to have Miss MacGregor for four more weeks!

Second star:  We got to research a Scottish city of our choice using  the ipads and found out lots of interesting facts!  Did you know there is more marble in Glasgow city chambers than in the Vatican?!

Our wish:  To do some baking!

P5/4 Two stars and a wish

  •  We really enjoyed our Google 360 experience.  We visited so many fantastic places!
  • We had fun learning about Scottish Inventors.  It was really exciting when we received a letter asking us to design a TV of the future!
  • We are looking forward to starting our new structured activities all about Scottish Inventors

P4 two stars and wish!

First star:  We had a super start to our Monday with a journey to The Kruger National Park in South Africa, some real life volcanoes, underwater in The Caribbean and The Galapagos islands!  This was all using the Google virtual reality head-sets!


Second star:  We enjoyed our first Burn’s supper on Wednesday hosted by P7 – you did a great job!

Wish:  We hope Miss MacGregor who is joining us on Monday has a great first week! 🙂

P5/4 – Two star and a wish

1st star – This week we really enjoyed watching the pantomime of Aladdin performed by the Hopscotch Theatre Company. We thought it was very funny!

2nd star – We watched Hairspray on DVD with P4 and P5. We had a great time listening to all the songs and watching the dances that will be in our school show next year.

Wish – We are looking forward to our Christmas party next week as we have been working our ceilidh dancing in the hall.

P4 two stars and a wish!

First star:  We had our last NYCOS session with Mrs Gray on Thursday and it was great! We played lots of fun games and even got a sticker from her!

Second star:  Reading our Christmas class story, ‘The Christmasaurus’ – it’s really funny!

Our wish:  To do some Christmas cooking!