Category Archives: Primary 4

P5/4 Two stars and a wish

1st star     We really enjoyed learning about the story of Bathgate Castle and making line drawings of the Bathgate Coat of Arms.  We can’t wait until the drawings are finished.

2nd star   It was fun starting our new class novel-Mr Stink by David Walliams.

Wish         We are looking forward to finding out more local history.

P4 two stars a wish!

First star:  We really enjoyed getting the chance to complete our own personal projects this week.  There was a huge variety of topics – from Dinosaurs to babies!

Second star:  We got to go and visit the Boghall chicks on Monday morning – they were so cute! We are so pleased that they have all got home!

Our wish:  To do some Easter Art next week

P5/4 Two Stars and a Wish

1st Star: We have enjoyed watching the chicks hatch on Glow.  We can’t wait to meet them next week.

2nd Star: We are enjoying our new class novel – Billionaire Boy by David Walliams.  We can’t wait to find out what happens next!

Wish: We are looking forward to the dress rehearsal of our school show.

P4 two stars and a wish!

First star:  We have really enjoyed being able to come along to parent’s night this week and discuss our progress with our teacher.   This is the first time we have done this!

Second star:  We have loved watching our Boghall Easter chicks hatching, we can’t wait to visit them on Monday!

Our wish:  We hope everyone enjoys getting to hold the chicks on Monday!

P4 – two stars and a wish!

First star:  We really enjoyed assembly today because we got to watch the videos from Lowport and the Alternative week – looks like everyone had fun!

Second star:  We enjoyed writing our own progress reports in preparation for Parent’s night next week!

Our wish: We wish Miss MacGregor could come back!

Two stars and a wish

It’s been a different sort of week for P5/4 this week.

The P4s really enjoyed all the activities during P4 alternative week either in school or at Lowport Centre in Linlithgow.  You will be able to find out more about this at next week’s assembly.

The P5s have had the opportunity to work with a variety of different teachers this week.  They particularly enjoyed making pancakes with Miss Potter.

All of P5/4 are looking forward to learning more new vocabulary to improve their writing.

P5/4 Two stars and a wish

1st Star: We really enjoyed making our own switches using blue tac, pins and paperclips in Science.

2nd Star: This week we also finished our structured activities, meaning that everyone got a chance to try each activity based on Scottish Inventors/inventions.

Wish: We wish Miss Duncan all the best in her new class after the February break.

Miss Duncan’s wish: I hope that P5/4 keep working really hard and continue to learn and have fun!!