Category Archives: Primary 2

The New Primary 2 class!

Star 1- We really enjoyed the activities we did to learn about Scottish mythical creatures such as Loch Ness Monster, The Kelpies and the Selkies.

Star 2- We also liked making the ‘Moose’ bookmarks.


1 WISHdscn2038 dscn2065 dscn2058– Some of us would like to get even better at reading.

Wish 2- We would like to do even more plasiticine modeling.

P3/2- 2 Stars and 1 wish

Happy New Year from Primary 3/2


1st Star –  We loved counting up to 100 using a keep fit song.

2nd Star –  We thought it was great that the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wrote back to us about the books that she gave us.

1 wish –  We would love to start learning our times tables.

We have had a great start to our New Year.

2 stars and a wish

1st Star – We enjoyed the Hopscotch theatre visit.  The Aladdin pantomime was great.

2nd Star –  We enjoyed doing our Christmas activities.  We did a Christmas word search and made melted snowmen using biscuits and marshmallows.  We also made a melted snowman using battery operated candles and white card.

Wish –  We want to do more maths learning about greater than and less than.


P3/2 – Celebrating Scottish Book Week.

What a week we have had!!  On Wednesday we celebrated Scottish Book Week by having a gifting party.  The Scottish Government has provided early child from P 1-3 with a book bag filled with lots of goodies including two brilliant reading books.  Today we have had a come as a book character day.  We dressed up as our favourite book character.  In class we read Stickman by Julia Donaldson and enjoyed doing a book review, what comes next sheet, a wordsearch, colouring sheet, making our own stickman and lastly making a stickman on a biscuit with sticky buttercream.  Yummy!!!


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