Category Archives: Primary 1

P1A Two stars and a wish!

1st star – We have enjoyed learning about take away in numeracy this week. Some of us even managed to answer take away sums within 100!

2nd star – We have enjoyed learning about Ramadan in RME this week. We really enjoyed making our bright coloured lanterns!

Wish – We would like to learn more about our new IDL theme ‘Living Things’.

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We really enjoyed doing our class assembly. We thought we all used clear voices and Miss Napier is very proud of us!

2nd star – We have enjoyed using our imagination in our writing this week. We all created super characters in our stories using our own imagination.

Wish – We are looking forward to learning about our new theme – Living Things!

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We have enjoyed learning how to take away in maths. We were learning how to take away from counters, numbers and groups of people!

2nd star – We enjoyed our visit to Boghall Church this week. We were learning about babies and christenings with Chris.

Wish – We would like to practise our assembly lines and songs for our assembly next Friday.

P1B 2 Stars and a wish

Star 1 – We really enjoyed phonics this week.  We loved writing more challenging words and sentences.

Star 2 – We enjoyed our structured activity groups and learning about people who help us.

Wish – We wish we could have more outfits in our class to dress up with.

P1A Two stars and a wish!

1st star – We have enjoyed learning some colours in French. We even impressed Miss Napier this week by saying the colour of our lunch tray in French!

2nd star – We enjoyed gym with Miss Hunter this week. We liked learning how to bounce, catch and throw the ball.

Wish – We would like to do more art and craft activities in class next week.

Sports Relief

We had lots of fun today raising money for Sports Relief and it was a massive success! We raised a whopping £342!  There were lots of different sporty activities in the hall including; beat the goalie, score a basket, hoopla and a hula hoop competition. The winner was Jenna-Leigh who lasted over 9 minutes!

Every class also took part in a ‘sporty’ themed Challenge Friday. Some classes played the ‘over and under’ game to see who could make the most passes in 2 minutes. Others tried to throw bean bags into different sized hoops.

Thank you to the Pupil Council for helping organise today’s events and spending their time helping others at the stalls. Also thanks to everyone for their kind donations. The money raised has gone to an excellent cause.


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A Busy Day in P1!

Primary 1 have been super busy today! We enjoyed a visit from Lilian and PJ Bear from Sick Kids Hospital who told us all about how people who work in hospitals can help us. We learned lots of interesting information! Then all of primary 1 went outside to have a sports challenge for sports relief. We had to work in teams to see how many times we could get our beanbag into the hoop within a minute – the winning amount was 17! Miss Napier and Mrs Tucker were very impressed at how well all of primary 1 listened and worked together as a team. Great job primary 1!

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P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We have enjoyed watching the chicks hatch this week and lots of primary 1A have been watching at home.

2nd star – We enjoyed learning about what happens at the Sick Kids Hospital and about how people who work there help us. We really liked our visit from Lilian and PJ Bear!

Wish – We would like to write about the chicks in our writing jotters next week.