Category Archives: Primary 1

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We enjoyed making reindeers from our handprints and think they look great on our door. Our cheeky elf Jingles also made one too!

2nd star – We have enjoyed learning to slide sounds together in phonics.

wish – We would like to do some more structured activities next term.

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We have enjoyed learning about firework safety from the P6s and P7s who shared their super posters with us!

2nd star – We enjoyed art and craft this week. We got to make spooky ghosts and impressed Miss Napier with our super cutting and sticking skills!

Wish – We can’t wait to find out the new activities that we will be doing in our coloured groups next week!


P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We enjoyed going on an Autumn walk to look for changes outside. We found lots of bright coloured Autumn leaves and can’t wait to make our Autumn crowns.

2nd star – We enjoyed learning about our sense of touch. We had to have a feel and guess what was hiding inside the sock.

Wish – We would like to learn about our sense of taste when we come back our holidays.

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We enjoyed learning about our sense of smell in science this week. We got to smell some nice things but we didn’t enjoy the smell of vinegar!

2nd star – We enjoyed learning the sounds ‘a’ and ‘t’ this week. Miss Napier was impressed with how many words we could think of beginning with ‘t’.

Wish – We would like to learn more about our other senses in science next week.

P1A Two stars and a wish

1st star – We have enjoyed working in our coloured groups. We get the chance to do lots of different structured activities and we all work so hard as a team!

2nd star – We have enjoyed writing this week. We have impressed Miss Napier by writing from left to right and using finger spaces.

Wish – We would like to learn more sounds next week.

Sharing information with you by e-mail

As part of our developments in school to communicate as effectively as possible with you we will be needing an e-mail address.

We can then send newsletters etc straight to your phones/tablets which will be much more helpful for you.

Just hand in an e-mail address through your child or e-mail the school e-mail (

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